Wednesday, November 27, 2019
how can we explain the persistance of class structures in Britain essays
how can we explain the persistance of class structures in Britain essays HOW CAN WE EXPLAIN THE PERSISTANCE OF CLASS INEQUALITIES IN BRITAIN? Traditionally Britain has always been recognized as a class society, characterised by widespread awareness of social class membership, class inequality and the influence of class inequalities in employment prospects. However it has been argued that with growing affluence, levels of education, social mobility and post - industrial economic development, class identities are losing their salience. (4) Saying this there is still substantial amounts of evidence to suggest that class inequalities are still very much inherent in British society especially with regards to social mobility. One of the first factors in explaining class inequalities in Britain would have to be the differences in wealth and income. Carl Marxs theory on income and wealth in western societies can be used to help explain this. Marx believed that maturing of capitalism would bring about an increasing gap between the wealth of the minority and the poverty of the mass of the population. According the Marx the wages of the working class would never rise far above survival level, while wealth would pile up in the hands of those owning capital. Marx also believed that those in the low levels of society would suffer, accumulation of misery, agony o labour, slavery, ignorance, brutality, moral degradation.... (Marx 1970. p 645). From this quote we can see that to a certain extent Marx was right, especially about the persistence of class inequalities in industrialized societies such as the UK and in anticipating that great inequalities of wealth and income would continue. He was wrong however to assume that the income of most of the population would remain low. Most people in Britain today are much better off materially than comparable groups in Marxs day. To examine how far, and why, this is the case we have to look at changes in the distribution of ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Online Tools to Analyze Your Writing
Online Tools to Analyze Your Writing It may be hard to imagine, but there was a time when a student simply typed a paper, handed it in, and hoped for the best. Today, you have a wealth of online writing tools at your fingertips. You can get assistance in everything from getting started to doing final checks. Even if you arent a natural-born writer, youll be able to turn in flawless work every time. Just check out these tools, and see what they can do for you. Hemingway ( Hemingway is a general writing app that lets you import a Word doc or paste in text. From there, you can, count words, assess readability, check grammar and spelling, format text, and add HTML and Markdown tags to create Web-friendly content. Color-coding makes Hemingway attractive, simple, and fun to use. This app is so affordable that its almost silly not to have it, whether youre a student or a professional. Grammarly ( You havent lived until youve been let down by Words built-in spelling and grammar check features. Grammarly is an old standby among writing-enhancement platforms. With Grammarly, you can find grammatical mistakes, correct spelling, check your work for plagiarism, and get word-replacement suggestions. Use this app to supplement Word, and youll never have to turn in another paper littered with embarrassing mistakes. I Write Like ( This tool is more of an entertaining nature. Just paste a passage from your essay or blog, or even a comment from social media, and the tool will analyze your writing style and word choice and compare them with those of well-known writers. For more accurate results try to paste large amounts of text. BibMe ( Writing a paper is one thing; adding your citations is another. Many students find the former task to be far easier than the latter. Luckily, you dont have to read that massive style guide cover-to-cover in order to add your footnotes or endnotes correctly. BibMe is set up to generate your citations automatically in the appropriate format, whether you need to follow APA, Chicago, MLA, or another style. Youll still need your style guide for other reasons, but BibMe makes those pesky notes a lot less painless, and you can get them done far more quickly. Clichà © Finder ( If youre relatively young and not an avid reader, you may not know a lot of clichà ©s in the first place. But if youve spent a lot of time listening to your grandparents- or to politicians- you may have subconsciously picked up such banal phrases and made them part of your own verbal repertoire. Once youve gotten into the habit of spouting out clichà ©s, its hard to recognize your own misdoings. Never fear; simply paste your work into Clichà © Finder and click the magic button. All of your trite adages will be highlighted, so you can pluck them out and find fresher ways to say what you mean. Readability– ( As we mentioned, some of the apps above assess the reading level of your writing in addition to performing a number of other helpful tasks for you. However, if you generally feel confident about writing on your own, you may prefer the simpler Readability – Just paste in your text, and the program assigns an average reading level, based on several different formulas. Its a quick and easy way to make sure your college paper sounds like it was written by a college student. MindMup ( If you have trouble getting your thoughts together before you write, turn to MindMup. This mind-mapping tool is a great way to put all of your ideas in one place. From there, you can figure out how to proceed with your paper. MindMup is an especially helpful organizing method for people who dont do well with the traditional linear outlining method. Dont put off that paper until the last minute. And whatever you do, dont resort to paying somebody to write it for you. Its a huge offense that brings you no benefit, because you learn nothing and risk everything. Use all the free and low-cost resources available to you, and youll be churning out top-notch papers in no time.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Retaining talented workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Retaining talented workers - Essay Example The current economic crisis also increases the probability of talented employees moving to bigger and more established companies. This paper will assess different ways of employee retention and reduction in the turnover over talented professional. In specialized professions such as engineering which have a demand; employers have to ensure that their employees are given a well structured career path and the ability to advance in their role both for the company and their personal growth. Many employees often leave when they feel they do not have the possibility to reach higher standards both financially and professionally as they are often kept stagnant in their career. Talented employees are always looking to improve their role and financial position hence, the first aspect that can be implemented involves bonuses depending on the duration which one has been employment. Money may not be the central motivation for all employees; however, it also has a role to play in keeping the employees satisfied. A survey was carried out among middle aged managers to assess the different factors which determine whether they stay or leave company. The following factors were found to be the most relevant: challenging and interesting work, ability to meet personal commitments, good relations with the owners, good culture and values and the opportunity for career development. Career planning is an aspect which the organization can use to help an individual remain with the company and at the same time improve his professional status. One of the main focuses of career planning is to aid employees and enable them to match their personal aspirations to what the company can realistically offer them. One way to do this is by facilitating career growth through assisted education. This enables the employee to increase his qualifications throughout his or her career and hence enables him or her to occupy higher posts within the company. The company benefits
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A Woman in Berlin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Woman in Berlin - Essay Example This indicates the urge for self-preservation in a human being to the extent of availing such grim unworthy options. But the Russians had no educated Officer class to take appropriate decisions and exercise proper control over their men. Most of the officers were peasants as also the troops he commanded, but under the protection of the higher-ups in the army, she got better facilities, and then secured a typewriter through a friend to produce a fair copy of her jottings. Ultimately, she settled in America. (B.)The living conditions of the German people were absolutely horrid. They mostly occupied the basements of the bombed buildings and had no proper ration and clothing. Living in a war situation presents innumerable difficulties for the party that has lost in the war. Firstly, it is most humiliating to live as a loser. Secondly, what would be the next step of the army personnel, under whose mercy they have to spend time, is another serious problem. Many of the survivors shifted fro m one basement to another. In normal circumstances such pathetic living conditions are unthinkable. (C)In the present case, the residents have mostly supported each other, and for rejecting such advances there should be very strong reasons, such as conflict amongst different nationalities. (D)Human memory is very short, and one cannot say that the sufferings undergone by a particular generation of any country will be remembered by them for all time to come. But what happened is part of the history that cannot be obliterated by anyone. The coming generations, as students of history or the citizens of the country will continue to evaluate the facts. The politicians and the administrators of the country are not likely to commit the same mistakes that caused immense harm to the economy and damage to the psyche of the people. 2. (A) The men of the German force, were suddenly thrown into humiliating circumstances. They had lost everything, their prestige, rank, property and in many cases their family members were dead or missing. The end of war was a great relief, and they were confronted with a new set of economic problems. Many of them had lost their thinking power and were in a state bordering insanity. (B). The perspectives in which stories relating to their experiences were told differed in details but not in substance much. German soldiers talked about their bravery at the fronts. The author elucidates the issue thus: â€Å"And they loved to tell their stories which always involved exploits that showed them in a good light.†(149) I think that the German soldiers were not responsible for the plight in which they were put into. When they were asked to surrender by the higher authorities, they had no option but to surrender. They had no role in directing the politics of the state. Only the grave issue before them was to take care of their family and household. In that grim situation anyone would turn cynical. Many had to confront the situation of loss of l ife of their family members, rape of their wife and children by the Russian soldiers, total destruction of the property etc. In no way such soldiers were liable for condemnation for their so-called impotence. (C) After the ravaging World War II at the fronts where guns and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Legalizing Marijuana Essay Example for Free
Legalizing Marijuana Essay Cannabis Sativa, more commonly known as Marijuana, is made up of dried parts of the Cannabis hemp plant and is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States. For centuries, people all over the world have been using marijuana to achieve â€Å"euphoria†, but the drug has remained illegal in the United States despite countless efforts to reverse the law. In the last few years, the legalization of Marijuana became both a prominent and controversial issue in our country and remains an extremely touchy subject. Despite its short term effect of distorted perceptions and memory impairment, Marijuana has several pro’s that can not only help individuals but could benefit our country as a whole. These â€Å"pros†include medical use, a boost in our economy, the creation of an entire hemp industry, and the lowering of crime rates. The use of marijuana for medical purposes dates back centuries to doctors of the western hemisphere. Because of their initial use of the hemp plant to help alleviate pain, doctors of the 18th century were able to develop the use of the drug and determine its uses in the medical field. It was classified as an illegal drug by many countries, including the US in the 20th century. Over the past 30 years, there has been a growing movement to legalize marijuana, primarily for medical use. In fact, several studied show that marijuana can even be good for your health and help with the treatment of other conditions. Medical marijuana has aided in the treatment of Alzheimers Disease, Epilepsy, Multiple sclerosis, Glaucoma, Arthritis, Depression, Anxiety, and different types of cancer. The American Cancer Society says that, Marijuana has anti-bacterial properties, inhibits tumor growth, and enlarges the airways, which they believe can ease the severity of asthma attacks. There have also been hundreds of studies done to show the benefits of using marijuana as a type of treatment. So far, 18 states have legalized medical marijuana, and several other states are fighting for those same laws. Other states are struggling to pass the law because the belief in how the drug can harm people. Though several doctors including, Dr. Lester Grinspoon have stated that there has never been a death reported from marijuana. In fact, Dr. Paul Hornby, a biochemist and leading authority on cannabis research stated, â€Å"Ive heard you have to smoke something like 15,000 joints in 20 minutes to get a toxic amount of delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol and I challenge anyone to do that.Meanwhile it is known information that anyone can die from ingesting to much alcohol, aspirin, or even wate r. Legalizing the drug, especially for medical use, can help ease the pain of thousands of people and even help to save lives. Legalizing marijuana would lead to an increase in our economy. Due to the fact that the illegal drug is used widely across our country, the Federal Government spends billions of dollars each year in order to decrease and prevent the trafficking of it. According to Dr. Miron Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of legal regulation would save approximately $7.7 billion in government expenditures on prohibition enforcement  $2.4 billion at the federal level and $5.3 billion at the state and local levels.†In our current economic situation, this would be considered a â€Å"smart move†. Besides it saving our country billions of dollars a year, it can potentially also increase our entire revenue due to tax dollars. Because production cost for marijuana is very low, the government can mark up the price significantly and tax it like alcohol and cigarettes. The legalization of marijuana would lead to the creation of an entire hemp based industry, which will lead to the creation of thousands of jobs. Hemp fibers from the stalks of the plant have countless of other uses besides its general purpose. The oil extracted from the seeds could be used for fuel and the fiber extracted from the hemp strand could be spun and woven into linen like fabric. This fabric will be usable for apparel textiles, home furniture textiles, and even carpeting. When combined with cotton or wool, hemp strengthens the fabric making it breathable and more comfortable to wear. Hemp can be made into rope, clothing, and even paper. More importantly, the creation of this industry will bring upon thousands of jobs for people in our country. Currently, our country exceeds more then $300 million in annual retail sales and the numbers continue to ride. Industrial hemp could generate thousands of sustainable job, helping our country to get back on track. Patrick Goggin, a bo ard member on the California Could for Vote Hemp, the nations leading industrial hemp-farming advocacy group stated, Were in the midst of a dark economic transition, but I believe hemp is an important facet and has tremendous economic potential.†Another benefit accrued through legalizing marijuana would be a significant reduction in crime rates. Since Marijuana is currently illegal, it is sold on the streets country wide. Thousands purchase the drug from dealers, putting their lives and reputations at risk, simply because it is the only method to attain it. Both drug dealers and gangs fight to sell the drug in the street, causing their deaths and the deaths of innocent people. Legalizing the drug help decrease the street wars and gang violence by taking the â€Å"right†to sell out of the hands of dealers, and into the hands of the government. Since the drug will be legalized, it will be available in the same locations as cigarettes and alcohol, decreasing crime across the United States. After going over the various pro’s that come along with legalizing the drug, it is hard to see why marijuana is still illegal in our country. In my opinion, the only reason for it not being legalized is the amount of money and jobs that were invested in the drug war. The United States Government takes great pride in their war on drugs and have put countless efforts in to show the potential dangers of the drug. In other words, the government looks defeated if they begin to revise laws and turn back. Another reason it hasnt been legalized is due to the protection of the reputation of political figures. Politicians assume that by supporting the legalization of marijuana, they are automatically condoning it. Though in reality, this isnt true at all. There are many positive benefits of legalizing the drug, and our government should begin to overlook the current laws and work in order to change them. They would be able to regulate it to their advantage and make a profitable revenue. Some states are already realizing the benefits and attempting to make changes. The reelection of the new president and a start to a new term brought about a great victory in the fight to legalize marijuana. On November 6, 2012 prohibition came to an end in Colorado and Washington State. The two states made it legal to smoke marijuana recreationally, without any prescription or medical use. Prior to this, Colorado and Washington were among the 18 states with medical marijuana laws but became the first in the United States to approve it recreationally. An article in the New York Times stated that Even though it will take months before they write the rules and make other regulations, â€Å"As soon as the laws are certified, it will be legal under Colorado and Washington law for adults 21 years and older to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. In Colorado, people will be able to grow as many as six plants. In Washington, users will have to buy their marijuana from state-licensed providers.†(Healy, 2012) In conclusion, I believe that the legalization of marijuana would have a positive influence on America. Legalizing the now illegal drug will allow Americans to cultivate and use hemp to a great advantage. Billions of dollars would be saved in government expenditures, and revenue from taxation on the regulated sale of marijuana would bring in billions of dollars as well. Although the impact on a persons health is debatable, to this day, not one person has been killed from a marijuana overdose. Smoking cigarettes daily and drinking alcohol on an every day basis is much more detrimental to a persons health then marijuana, therefore, this is really no specific reason that the drug shouldnt be legalized. Also, most importantly, using marijuana for medical use would benefit the thousands of people suffering with terminal illnesses.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Apple’s Macintosh Computers: A Technology That Achieved Dominance Essay
1) Choose a technology and assess the process of dominance that led to a leading technology standard using the factors, battle milestones, and key phases of dominance from the article, Suarez, F. 2004. â€Å"Battles for technological dominance: an integrative framework†, Research Policy. Volume 33, Issue 2, pp. 271†286. A technology that achieved dominance is Apple’s Macintosh computers. According to Suarez’s article (1)â€Å"A technologyâ€â€broadly defined as a set of pieces of knowledge, some of which are embodied in physical devices and equipmentâ€â€becomes dominant as the result of a complex process by which several competing alternatives and versions are de-selected until a preferred technological â€Å"hierarchy†becomes evident†. Apple’s Macintosh and Microsoft’s Personal Computer, have been competing against each other for a number of years. However, Apple has distinguished itself from its competitors, and therefore achieved dominance. The factors contributing to a technology’s dominance influence the outcome of the technology battle. These factors are split into two groups. The first group is the Firm-Level Factors, which consist of the firm’s: Technological Superiority, Complementary Assets and Credibility, Installed Base, and Strategic Maneuvering. (1). There are a number of companies that offer personal computers to consumers, with many having similarities. To distinguish their computers from competing alternatives, Apple provides compatibility with their other products, such as the IPod and IPhone. Surprisingly, technological superiority does not always lead to dominance. (1) The differences between the technology and the competing alternatives must be great in order for it to dominate. In the case of Apple’s Macintosh, the unique I... ...ts. The fourth phase is the Decisive Battle, which means competitors develop a customer base. This is an important phase as customer’s decisions can greatly affect the firm. The last phase is Post Dominance, which clearly shows the dominant technology has emerged in the market. This phase can last for a long period of time. 1. Suarez, F. (n.d.). Battles for technological dominance: an integrative Retrieved November 10, 2013, from 2. Martellaro, J. (n.d.). Surprise: Apple Sells to the Federal Government. The Mac Observer. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from 3. Licensing Brief - Licensing Windows and Microsoft Office to Use with the Apple Mac. (n.d.). Microsoft Volume. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Falcon-Star Software Essay
Falcon-Star Software is newly established Software Company which came into existence in 1994. It has offices in both Washington and Canada. The company is based on providing web based solutions to its customers worldwide. It aims to fulfill all our customers’ software based and customized application based needs. Our mission is to provide quality service to our customers who need our help for their businesses at reasonable rates and provide them the best solutions that will solve their problems for a extensive period of time. At the moment we have two offices to develop our software, our main competitors are also situated close to us and also across the globe, therefore we have to be much focused and plan our strategies accordingly else we can run out of business. Our company is divided into three main departments of information systems group, provisioning services Group, and manager of customer Service. Each department has its own set of directors under whom each of the heads of the departments and managers will be functioning. Since our organization is new we don’t have too many departments that is why each person will be doing multiple roles at the same time. You will be answerable to the CEO who will be there to over look your work and help you with your decisions. (Robbins & Judge, 2005) Since we are in the initial stages of our business therefore we all need to work as one team and plan things ahead so that we can reduce the mishaps that can occur in future. As the manger of our departments I expect you all to be very clear of the mission of this company and based on that you define and identify your goals. This would include strategic planning and staff planning. Your senior managers are going to establish the over all objectives for the company and its your job to turn them into tactical objectives and make your less seniors workers understand them. (Fleming, 2005) Leadership is an important part of becoming a successful manager. It is your ability to lead other people so that they look up to you, trust you and therefore give in their best. It is your responsibility to take care of your sub ordinates who will be helping you with your work. Motivation is an important part of leadership. You need to keep your employees intact with the goal of the company. Make them understand their importance to this company. Employees are one of the greatest assets of a company and we don’t want to lose this asset. (Employee Engagement – A Concept Clean Up) As a manager you are responsible to look into all the matters that are under your control. In order to make things works in a systematic way you will have do organize your team of workers, time and resources in the most efficient manner. It is not about giving instructions only. You need the right kind of people to work under you and delegate responsibility to them . There should be clear division of work. And each department is accountable for its outcome but they all should work for one common vision. Well planned and organized work is a sign of good management and that is what we want our managers to be like at Falcon-Star Software. It is your duty to measure the performance of your department and your employees by comparing it against the targets that you had set for your self and if there are any shortcoming you need to over come that by taking appropriate corrective actions. This will help you in not repeating the same mistake again and learn more from the past experience. As it is said by Hertzberg that giving feed back is very important if things are going the way you wanted them to be. (Echols, 2005) Apart from them you are responsible for coordination between your different activities. The goals of each department should be the same. Try to avoid situations which would end up wasting resources, money and effort. Our aim is to give our customers the best developed software to fulfill their requirement. Communicate with your staff and encourage them. Failure to keep satisfied employees can adversely affect the business. Different managers have different ways of approaching problems. You can choose your own ways of doing work as long as it’s giving us result. You should understand your role and what we want from you at work. You have to plan, organize, control, communicate, and lead the organization and its employees. Our focus is our customers. We together have to work as a team so that our goal is met and we are able to compete with our competitors successfully. For that we require efforts from every individual however, the role of a manager in a company is versatile. They give fuel to the organization. Its now on your ability and work and commitment and how you undertake pressure. (Echols, 2005) Works Cited †¢ Fleming, John H. (November 2005). Where Employee Engagement Happens. Harvard Business Review †¢ Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge (2005). Organizational Behavior, Twelfth edition: Pearsons Publishers †¢ Employee Engagement – A Concept Clean Up. bsiconsulting, Retrieved June 26, 2008, from http://bsiconsulting. com. au/pdfs/Engagement%20Clean%20Up%2003. pdf
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Homework Overload or Vital Material?
Why is homework necessary? Why is it so important? Is it really a vital, mandatory, and daily essential assignment that affects a school life? Many have a different opinion on the amount of homework given. Most of these thoughts and feelings come from teachers, parents, and of course students. Teachers at school presume that homework is one of the most important materials in education. They feel it helps students learn. For example, one way it assists learning is by acting as a study guide for important tests. Another way it’s of use is by reviewing lessons. Homework is not only for the future but also a review from the past. But is it really necessary with the amount given? Parents believe that teachers should limit homework because it causes stress. More kids dread doing their assignments and this effects their learning and stress stamina. Most of these students probably stuffer from homework overloading their life. This means that homework drains away sprits and academic achievements because of the amount given. Students feelings towards homework are quite diverse and neutral. Some kids say that homework isn’t necessary and it’s just stress on paper, but others disagree and think it’s important and helps them get their grades up. Some think homework’s purpose is to reinforce learning and extend learning outside the classroom. But others think they don’t need that extra help that homework is there for. Some students feel that homework confuses the brain after a long day of school and learning other things as well. Homework may be important but also may be just busywork. You can learn from homework but also learn nothing at all. The argument of homework continues with the opinions of teachers, parents, and students. I think we just need to limit the amount we get and make sure we’re not overloading ourselves with assignments. Is homework really essential? Should it be stopped?
Friday, November 8, 2019
“Effects of adapting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the Financial Statements and Reporting Quality of the Micro Finance Institutions in Uganda†The WritePass Journal
â€Å"Effects of adapting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the Financial Statements and Reporting Quality of the Micro Finance Institutions in Uganda†1. Introduction: â€Å"Effects of adapting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the Financial Statements and Reporting Quality of the Micro Finance Institutions in Uganda†1. Introduction: 2.  Objective:3. Literature Review:3.1 Introduction:3.2 What is Micro Finance?3.3 Micro finance reporting standard:3.4 Overview of Micro Finance Industry in Uganda:3.5 Regulatory Structure for Micro Finance in Uganda:3.6 Overview of Accounting System in Uganda:3.7 Adaptation of IFRS in Uganda:4. Methodology: 5. Conclusion: 6. References:Related 1. Introduction: Over the years Microfinance has become a diverse and growing industry. There are over hundreds of institutions in Uganda providing micro finance services (check website), ranging from grass roots self-help groups and NGOs to commercial banks that provide financial services to millions of microenterprises and low-income households. These Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) receive support and services not only from donor agencies, but also from investors, lenders, network organizations, rating firms, and a host of other specialized businesses. MFIs must follow an industry: Understanding the difference between arrears and portfolio at risk is important. Arrears measure the sum of all past due payments, whereas portfolio at risk is the total value of loans outstanding that have one or more past due payment. The word delinquency may refer to either, which leads to confusion. As mentioned above MFIs also find it hard to comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards completely. For Example: MFIs normally follow a mixed accounting system where the accrual method of accounting is used for expenses and the cash method is used for interest earned on loans. Although the cash method of accounting may be acceptable for internal management reports, but according to IFRS and IAS an adjustment for accrued interest is required. Therefore, the study will be identifying the differences in the financial reports of the MFIs compared to the IFRS.  2.  Objective: The major objective of the study is to gain an extensive understanding of the Micro Finance sector in Uganda and to identify the effects caused by the implementation of IFRS in the financial statements. While analyzing the implementation of IFRS, the focus of the study is also to identify the differences in the financial statements and reports and whether it complies with IFRS. 3. Literature Review: 3.1 Introduction: Research has been conducted assessing Uganda’s accounting and auditing practices to ensure the quality of corporate financial reporting (Uganda, Accounting Auditing, ROSC, 2005). Further more literature related to the micro finance industries consists of mainly its impact (USAID, 2001) and effects on poverty reduction (J. Morduch B. Hale, 2001). Few guidelines and surveys were conducted by the SEEP Network and CGAP to determine the reporting standard of the Micro finance industry. 3.2 What is Micro Finance? According to Marguerite Robinson the definition of Micro Finance is â€Å"Micro Finance refers to small scale financial services for both credits and deposits that are provided to people who performs agricultural activities; operate small and medium enterprises in developing countries, in both rural and urban areas†. Micro-finance means transactions in small amounts of both credit and saving, involving mainly small-scale and medium-scale businesses and producers. Micro Finance Institution (MFI) set up centers in targeted areas with group members. These group members consists of 25-40 members per groups, this number will vary with different MFIs. The loans are normally disbursed to two or three of the members of self-selected groups (mostly female groups) and the whole group becomes responsible for the repayment by their fellow members. The other members only get their loans when the initial borrowers pay their installments regularly. Members have to attend regular meetings, usually weekly, to repay their loans. The history of microfinance is often associated with the rise of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) providing microcredit services to the poor and the development of a handful of microfinance banks. In the early 1990s, standards began to emerge calling for stronger financial management of microcredit providers, particularly in their delinquency management and reporting. At the same time, credit unions and banks involved in micro lending developed stronger monitoring techniques for their microcredit portfolios. As the micro finance industry grew in capacity and outreach the competition also started to increase, therefore, it became important for the industry to introduce a reporting standard which will increase transparency, facilitate comparability, improve decision-making, and increase investment by making it easier to observe and understand an MFI’s financial health. 3.3 Micro finance reporting standard: Microfinance as an industry does not have a central body or mechanism to address compliance or updates to financial reporting standards. MFIs worldwide do not follow standards, and are only now beginning to use tools like International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)(new developments in mfis). IFRS is a principle based set of 37 accounting standards. As the need for consistent worldwide reporting standards grows, the goal is to provide a general financial reporting guidance for public companies. Within the European Union (EU) companies with securities listed on stock exchange must adopt IFRS for their consolidated financial statements starting in 2005. Many other countries worldwide require IFRS as the leading reporting standard. Over 100 countries are currently using IFRS. There are many reasons for implementing IFRS. Most important is the comparability of financial statements worldwide. For investors and auditors the IFRS provide a cohesive view of the consolidated financial statements. ( Since 1990, MFIs have grown in size, type, number, and complexity (BoU report). At the same time, more emphasis has been placed on financial accountability, management, and viability. A growing acceptance of standards for micro finance has emerged since the early 1990s. In 1995, The SEEP Network produced a monograph, Financial Ratio Analysis of micro finance Institutions, which became the standard set of 16 ratios that micro finance institutions monitored. Then, in 2002, micro finance institutions, The SEEP Network, rating firms and donor agencies jointly developed Microfinance Financial Definitions Guidelines: Definitions of Selected Financial Terms, Ratios, and Adjustments for microfinance, known as the Financial Definitions Guidelines. 3.4 Overview of Micro Finance Industry in Uganda: Uganda occupies an area of 241,038 sq km[1] in the heart of East Africa, with a total of over 34.6 million (July 2011 est.)[2]. Approximately 94 percent of the poor live in rural areas where about 75 percent of the population lives (CGAP, 2004) and depend on Agriculture, which contributes about 36.1 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Uganda’s financial system is characterized by the co-existence of formal and informal financial markets. The formal financial markets, which mainly comprise of commercial banks, development banks and credit institutions mainly exist in urban areas and offer a narrow range of financial services. They concentrate on providing working capital mainly to medium and large-scale enterprises. Furthermore, the formal financial institutions are inflexible in their operations, with respect to the needs of the small-scale enterprises and the poor people in the rural areas who may not have collateral or well-written feasibility studies to solicit for loans. As such, the rural areas, where the majority of poor people live, remain either under-banked or served by informal financial institutions. MFIs in Uganda consist of moneylenders, micro-finance agencies, Non Government Organizations (NGOs), rural farmers’ schemes and savings societies that provide savings and/or credit facilities to micro and small-scale business people who have experienced difficulties obtaining such services from the formal financial institutions. Their range of activities include; deposit taking, savings schemes, small-scale enterprises, agriculture, real estate, group lending, retail financial services, giving advice on financial matters and training in business management. The Microfinance industry in Uganda is in its advanced stage of evolution. Since the 1990s, Uganda has created a success story by developing the market for microfinance services, which has been considered a role model for Africa and even other regions (Goodwin-Groen et al. 2004). Its growth and development will be a function of the support and effort of practitioners, donors and the Government working together to create an enabling environment for its development. It is readily apparent that the Government is committed to economic and financial reforms. In addition to the other reforms being implemented through its economic policy framework, the Government has shown its commitment to reforming the financial sector. Operationalization of the Microfinance Policy and the legal and regulatory framework indicates renewed efforts and commitment to improving the financial system. The Government is acutely aware of the limitation of the traditional banking sectors ability to mobilize sav ings from and extends credit to poor people in rural and urban areas. This population has a weak financial resource base and is in dire need of financial services that cater for its unique circumstances. 3.5 Regulatory Structure for Micro Finance in Uganda: The current financial sector policy in Uganda aims primarily at systemic safety and soundness as a supporting bedrock for orderly growth. The policy, drafted by the BoU and approved by Government following multiple bank failures of the late 1990s, was significantly informed by the bitter lessons learnt from these failures and by incidences of fraudulent organizations that fleece the public. The role of Bank of Uganda, the financial sector regulator, is to ensure systemic safety, soundness and stability of the whole financial sector, and protection of public deposits in the regulated financial institutions. Bank of Uganda issued the policy statement in July 1999 that established a tiered regulatory framework for microfinance business within the broader financial sector. The policy established four categories of institutions that can do micro-financing business in Uganda: Tier 1: Commercial banks.  Banks are regulated under the Financial Institutions Act revised in 2004. Since these are already sufficiently capitalized and meet the requirements for taking deposits as provided for in this Act, they are allowed to go into the business of microfinance at their discretion. Tier 2: Credit Institutions (CIs). These institutions are also regulated under the Financial Institutions Act 2004. A number of them offer both savings and loan products but they can neither operate cheque/ current accounts nor be part of the BoU Clearing House. Like banks, they are permitted to conduct microfinance business since they are already sufficiently capitalized and meet the requirements for taking deposits provided for in the Act. Tier 3: Micro Finance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs). This is the category of financial institutions that was created following the enactment of the MDI Act. Originally doing business as NGOs and companies limited by guarantee, these institutions transformed into shareholding companies, changed their ownership and transformed/ graduated into prudentially regulated financial intermediaries. They are licensed under the MDI Act and are subjected to MDI Regulations by BoU. Like Tier I and II institutions (banks and CIs), the MDIs are required to adhere to prescribed limits and benchmarks on core capital, liquidity ratios, ongoing capital adequacy ratios (in relation to risk weighted assets), asset quality and to strict, regular reporting requirements. Tier 4: All other financial services providers outside BoU oversight. This category has SACCOs and all microfinance institutions that are not regulated such as credit-only NGOs, microfinance companies and community-based organizations in the business of microfinance. These institutions have a special role in deepening geographical and poverty outreach, and in other ways extending the frontiers of financial services to poorer, remote rural people. 3.6 Overview of Accounting System in Uganda: The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) is the only statutory licensing body of professional accountants in Uganda. It was established by the Accountants Statute, 1992, but did not commence operations until 1995. The ICPAU is empowered by the statute to establish accounting standards and to act as a self-regulatory organization for professional accountants, which includes requirements for practicing as a professional accountant in Uganda. The functions of the Institute, as prescribed by the Act, are: To regulate and maintain the standard of accountancy in Uganda; To prescribe or regulate the conduct of accountants in Uganda. The objectives, of the institute included the regulation of accounting practice and the provision of guidance on standards to be used in the preparation of financial statements. As with most developing countries, and in cognizance with developments in the area of accounting at a global level, the ICPAU in 1999 adopted International Accounting Standards (IAS) without any amendments (Dumontier and Raffournier, 1998). Prior to the adoption of IAS, there had been a proliferation of approaches to the preparation and presentation of financial statements in Uganda. One of the more obvious approaches to the presentation of financial statements was based on references to Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAS) and firm law (Samuel Sejjaak, 2003). 3.7 Adaptation of IFRS in Uganda: Since 1998, the Council of ICPAU has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs, IASs, SIC and IFRIC Interpretations) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), without amendment, for application in Uganda (IFRS for SMEs). International Financial Reporting Standards set out recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure requirements dealing with transactions and other events and conditions that are important in general purpose financial statements. The adoption of IFRS in Uganda to a larger extent is influenced by external factors such as foreign investors, international accounting firms, and international financial organizations among others. However, unless a country opens its doors to these institutions, there is little they can do to politicize the adoption process. The implication is that the more a country is opened to the international environment, the higher the possibility that the country would be coaxed into adopting International Financial Reporting Standards. 4. Methodology: The research will be conducted in an attempt to analyse the index and the quality of the accounting statements of the micro finance industry. Due to this reason the target of this study is the collection of empirical observations concerned to the effect of the adaptation of International Accounting Standards to the quality and quantity of the accounting information that are published. The work of this study will be based on desk research only. A desk-based research will be initiated to make the essential link between theoretical frameworks and empirical observation. Mainly the study will focus on the comparative examination of the annual Financial Statements of Micro Finance Institutions in Uganda registered by the Bank of Uganda (BoU). To examine and analyse the content of those Financial Statements so as to meet the objectives of the project and derive conclusions, the following methods will be taken into consideration. Content analysis has been defined as a systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of text into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding (Berelson, 1952; GAO, 1996; Krippendorff, 1980; and Weber, 1990). Content analysis enables researchers to sift through large volumes of data with relative ease in a systematic fashion (GAO, 1996). It can be a useful technique for allowing us to discover and describe the focus of individual, group, institutional, or social attention (Weber, 1990). There are two general categories of content analysis: conceptual analysis and relational analysis. Conceptual analysis can be thought of as establishing the existence and frequency of concepts – most often represented by words of phrases – in a text. In contrast, relational analysis goes one step further by examining the relationships among concepts in a text. (Writing Guides, Another method that can be very significant to the study is the Comparative analysis. Comparative research, simply put, is the act of comparing two or more things with a view to discovering something about one or all of the things being compared. This method may also be appropriate for the study, as it will provide a comparison between the financial accounts of the MFIs with the IFRS. Both content analysis and comparative analysis can be used for the determination of the study. Although there are some limitations with both methods it is thought as the most appropriate methods/tools for the purpose of the study. [TC1] 5. Conclusion: Over the last two decade micro finance has transformed itself to a multi million-dollar industry. To continue its work in poverty reduction MFIs requires support from the international investors and donors. For this they would require to provide evidence of success, sustainability and transparency through the financial statements and reports. MFIs would require presenting the reports in a standardized format, which can be understood by the interest groups. Hence, the implementation of the IFRS became very important in this sector. However, it became quite difficult for the micro finance industry to totally comply with IFRS. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of IFRS in the micro finance industry and what are differences that arise as the result of the implementation.[TC3] 6. References: [1] Source: CIA – The World Fact book Website: [2] Source: CIA – The World Fact book Website:  [TC1]Not clear what will you use for the study.  [TC2] [TC2]Maybe you can elaborate more on each method, and then discuss which method you are choosing and why?  [TC3]End with a statement on how this research is going to achieve this goal†¦
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Aztec Calendar Stone - Not a Calendar After All
The Aztec Calendar Stone - Not a Calendar After All The Aztec Calendar Stone, better known in the archaeological literature as the Aztec Sun Stone (Piedra del Sol in Spanish), is an enormous basalt disk covered with hieroglyphic carvings of calendar signs and other images referring to the Aztec creation myth. The stone, currently on display at the National Museum of Anthropology (INAH) in Mexico City, measures about 3.6 meters (11.8 feet) in diameter, is about 1.2 m (3.9 ft) thick and weighs more than 21,000 kilograms (58,000 pounds or 24 tons). Aztec Sun Stone Origins and Religious Meaning The so-called Aztec Calendar Stone was not a calendar, but most likely a ceremonial container or altar linked to the Aztec sun god, Tonatiuh, and festivities dedicated to him. At its center is what is typically interpreted as the image of the god Tonatiuh, within the sign Ollin, which means movement and represents the last of the Aztec cosmological eras, the Fifth Sun. Tonatiuhs hands are depicted as claws holding a human heart, and his tongue is represented by a flint or obsidian knife, which indicates that a sacrifice was required so that the sun would continue its movement in the sky. At Tonatiuhs sides are four boxes with the symbols of the preceding eras, or suns, along with the four directional signs. Tonatiuhs image is surrounded by a broad band or ring containing calendrical and cosmological symbols. This band contains the signs of the 20 days of the Aztec sacred calendar, called Tonalpohualli, which, combined with 13 numbers, made up the sacred 260-day year. A second outer ring has a set of boxes each containing five dots, representing the five-day Aztec week, as well as triangular signs probably representing sun rays. Finally, the sides of the disk are carved with two fire serpents which transport the sun god in his daily passage through the sky. Aztec Sun Stone Political Meaning The Aztec sun stone was dedicated to Motecuhzoma II and was likely carved during his reign, 1502-1520. A sign representing the date 13 Acatl, 13 Reed, is visible on the surface of the stone. This date corresponds to the year 1479 AD, which, according to archaeologist Emily Umberger is an anniversary date of a politically crucial event: the birth of the sun and the rebirth of Huitzilopochtli as the sun. The political message for those who saw the stone was clear: this was an important year of rebirth for the Aztec empire, and the emperors right to rule comes directly from the Sun God and is embedded with the sacred power of time, directionality, and sacrifice. Archaeologists Elizabeth Hill Boone and Rachel Collins (2013) focused on the two bands which frame a conquest scene over 11 enemy forces of the Aztecs. These bands include serial and repeating motifs that appear elsewhere in Aztec art (crossed bones, heart skull, bundles of kindling, etc.) which represent death, sacrifice, and offerings. They suggest that the motifs represent petroglyphic prayers or exhortations advertising the success of the Aztec armies, recitations of which might have been part of the ceremonies which took place on and around the Sun Stone. Alternative Interpretations Although the most prevalent interpretation of the image on the Sun Stone is that of Totoniah, others have been proposed. In the 1970s, a few archaeologists suggested that the face was not Totoniahs but rather that of the animate earth Tlateuchtli, or perhaps the face of the night sun Yohualteuctli. Neither of these suggestions has been accepted by the majority of Aztec scholars. American epigrapher and archaeologist David Stuart, who typically specializes in Maya hieroglyphs, has suggested that it may well be a deified image of the Mexica ruler Motecuhzoma II. A hieroglyph at the top of the stone names Motecuhzoma II, interpreted by most scholars as a dedicatory inscription to the ruler who commissioned the artifact. Stuart notes that there are other Aztec representations of ruling kings in the guise of gods, and he suggests that the central face is a fused image of both Motecuhzoma and his patron deity Huitzilopochtli. History of the Aztec Sun Stone Scholars surmise that the basalt was quarried somewhere in the southern basin of Mexico, at least 18-22 kilometers (10-12 miles) south of Tenochtitlan. After its carving, the stone must have been located in the ceremonial precinct of Tenochtitln, laid horizontally and likely near where ritual human sacrifices took place. Scholars suggest that it may have been used as an eagle vessel, a repository for human hearts (quauhxicalli), or as a base for the final sacrifice of a gladiatorial combatant (temalacatl). After the conquest, the Spanish moved the stone a few hundred meters south of the precinct, in a position facing upward and near the Templo Mayor and the Viceregal Palace. Sometime between 1551-1572, the religious officials in Mexico City decided the image was a bad influence on their citizens, and the stone was buried facing down, hidden within the sacred precinct of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Rediscovery The Sun Stone was rediscovered in December 1790, by workmen who conducted leveling and repaving work on Mexico Citys main plaza. The stone was pulled to a vertical position, where it was first examined by archaeologists. It stayed there for six months exposed to the weather, until June of 1792, when it was moved into the cathedral. In 1885, the disk was moved to the early Museo Nacional, where it was held in the monolithic gallerythat journey was said to have required 15 days and 600 pesos. In 1964 it was transferred to the new Museo Nacional de Anthropologia in Chapultepec Park, that journey only taking 1 hour, 15 minutes. Today it is displayed on the ground floor of the National Museum of Anthropology, in Mexico City, within the Aztec/Mexica exhibition room. Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst. Sources: Berdan FF. 2014. Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press. Boone EH, and Collins R. 2013. The Petroglyphic Prayers on the . Ancient Mesoamerica 24(02):225-241.un Stone of Motecuhzoma IlhuicaminaS Smith ME. 2013. The Aztecs. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Stuart D. 2016. The Face of the Calendar Stone: A New Interpretation. Maya Decipherment: June 13, 2016. Umberger E. 2007. Art History and the Aztec Empire: Dealing With the Evidence of Sculptures. Revista Espaà ±ola de Antropologà a American 37:165-202 Van Tuerenhout DR. 2005. The Aztecs. New Perspectives. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Inc.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
HSBC Bank (employee mistakes) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
HSBC Bank (employee mistakes) - Research Paper Example Major flaws of the employees that have to do with customer relations were examined. For instance the research tested the various ways in which the availability of training facilities would help in equipping the employee with up-to-date knowledge on how to relate to the customer in a manner that would motivate the customer to come back for more services (Heppner, Kivlighan, Jr., & Wampold, 1999). The effect of employee stress on the rate of delivery and general productivity rate to meet the demands of customers were also examined as well as the role of organizational systems in ensuring that the right platforms are created to check the conduct and behave of employees to towards customers. By and large, it was concluded that HSBC is currently faced with avoidable losses as a result of common mistakes committed by employees and these mistakes come about as a result of low training for employees and high levels of stress. The company is however in a position to changing the trend by incr easing motivation and training for employees. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background Officially, the company that is commonly referred to as HSBC is known and registered as HSBC Holdings plc. HSBC Holdings plc is a British company with headquarters in London; whose major line of business is channeled at banking and financial service provision. This means that HSBC Holdings Plc is a financial organization who has other major companies in the same industry of finance as competitors. The company is touted as an international company with branches spread across the globe. There is a heavy representation of the company in major global economic destinations including Hong Kong, The United States of America, Mexico, Brazil and France. With such branches the company is known to offer prudent financial assistance to â€Å"over 50 million people worldwide to manage and save for their futures with a complete range of personal financial products†(HSBC, 2012). One of the highly commendable stan ds that the company has made over the years is that it has taken advantage of the globalization phenomenon to reach out to even more people who do not have the presence of the company in their countries. With such services such as online banking and online transfer services attached to the regular banking operations, HSBC was rated as the second largest banking and financial service company in the world (Kerlinger, 2006). It was also said that HSBC was the second largest company in public service delivery (LaFountain & Bartos, 2002). All these have been made possible by the 7,200 offices owned by the company in 85 countries with major listing on the London Stock Exchange and secondary listing in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange and the Bermuda Stock Exchange. On the London Stock Exchange alone, the official 2011 market capital of the company was quoted as ?87.4 billion (Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991). This such a performance, there remains one thing left for the comp any to do and this is to maintain its statuesque or even think of making it better. 1.2 Problem Statement As the world continues to experience very huge competition in the financial sector with a strive to make good of the recovery of the present global economic recession, this research is seeking to examine the effect of training facilities, employee stress and organizational systems on the number of mistakes made by employees of HSBC and
Friday, November 1, 2019
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT(MBA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT(MBA) - Essay Example The recommendations to the company form a vital segment of the paper. It can be said that the paper does not only analyse the past but also the future of the company. Marriott International is world renowned franchisor as well as operator of a wide spectrum of hotel and also allied lodging facilities. It was established by J. W Marriott in Washington, D.C. in United States in 1927. The globally present hotel’s and lodging of Marriott is presently led by J. W Marriott, Jr. Marriott International’s headquarter is situated in Bethesda, Maryland, United States. It has over 150,000 employees globally of which approximately 60 percent belongs to women and minorities category. It has 18 different brands and larger than 3400 hotels and also resorts globally. It is recognised as a leader in hospitality industry. They are also recognised by Fortune as one of the ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’. This recognition has been conferred to them for last few consecutive years. There have around 3100 hotels and lodging facilities operating in United States alone and also they have a presence in around 70 different countries throughout th e world. Marriott International in a period of around 80 years has been able to place themselves as a class apart in their industry. They have always been committed towards effective and efficient service towards their consumers. They have followed a motto of ‘people, places, purpose’ in their service activities. They are global hospitality industry leader. Thus they look to follow their motto of serving people better by constantly looking to innovate and develop better service. The vision of Marriott is ‘to be the world’s lodging leader’. The vision has provided the organisation an aim which they can try and look to achieve. They are moving towards reliving their vision by taking care of their quests, developing an extremely diverse and skilled workforce, wide-ranging
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