Friday, December 27, 2019
Black Odyssey the Ordeal of Slavery in America Review
Black Odyssey: The Ordeal of Slavery in America: Review In this short work Professor Huggins explores the position and achievement of black slaves in American society, with its dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, from which they were excluded, except as necessary instruments. Wisely, instead of cramming a narrative of 250 years of complex social and economic history into 242 pages of text, he uses his talents as an established historian of black American culture to offer the general, rather than the academic, reader an admirable blend of the higher generalization and the higher popularization. Professor Huggins draws on recent work on the slave family and on black initiatives within the structure of slave society, as†¦show more content†¦All this is a little too close to what A. G. Hopkins called, in the Introduction to his brilliant Economic History of West Africa, the Myth of Merrie Africa. This myth, and any static picture of the African past, does an injustice to the dynamic and innovative features in African society. However, Professor Muggins is, of course, far more concerned with Black America than with Black Africa, and here his journal is much more persuasive. He is right to point out that all forms of social and cultural achievement among the slaves - such as the black family, black Christianity and black speech, music and dance - can be shown to be essentially black achievements. Far from being parodies by inferior beings of white models, these were heroic achievements, constructed and maintained in the face of white attitudes that ranged from condescending amusement through indifference to outright hostility. They preserved, for the Afro-American people, individual and collective self-respect, and prevented them, as Professor Huggins rightly emphasizes, from being mere victims. Furthermore, they contributed to American culture in general some of its most vital, characteristic and creative achievements - hence the paradox that no Americans are more American than the black slaves and their d escendants, who were excluded from full membership of American society, North or South. When it comes to matters of Black resistance and adaptation to the slave system,Show MoreRelatedBibliographic Essay on African American History6221 Words  | 25 PagesClark Hine, ed. Black Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004); Evelyn Brooks Higgingbotham, ed., Harvard Guide to African American History (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001); Arvarh E. Strickland and Robert E. Weems, Jr., eds., The African American Experience: An Historiographical and Bibliographical Guide (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001); and Randall M. Miller and John David Smith, eds., Dictionary of Afro- American Slavery (Westport: Greenwood
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay about Psychology Week 3 - 742 Words
Psychology Week 3 Assignment 1) Distinguish between operant conditioning, observational learning, and social learning. How are these different kinds of learning utilized in the work place? Give specific examples for each one. a) Operant conditioning is the learning through voluntary responses and its consequences. A specific behavior is performed and from that behavior there is a consequence. For me, in the workplace, I know that if I complete my jobs assigned to me then I am complimented on my achievements. Also, more specifically, if I have someone call and request a specific issue be resolved and I assist them in a timely fashion, then they are content and happy with the service received. b) Observational learning is the process†¦show more content†¦Overtime, a person may relate prejudice to a certain incident that may have occurred in life or event that impacted them greatly. With operant conditioning being a learning that is dealing more with consequences, I do not see where this would relate to prejudice, unless a person is receiving some type of positive reinforcement for the prejudice. 3) You are scheduled to present the results of your work on creating a new software program for your company. What memory techniques will you use in order to be free of too much dependence on notes and the PowerPoint slides? Be specific as to how you will relate the technique to the content of the presentation. a) If I am to present the results of my work on creating a software program is going to mainly be through possible repetition of the using the software prior to the presentation. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Business Ethics Business Operations Implementation
Question: Discuss about the Business Ethics for Business Operations Implementation. Answer: Introduction Google is one of the most trusted internet service providers which has millions of users all over the world. The user-friendly search engine has been in the number one position leaving behind companies such as WebCrawler (Ledford 2015). It has diverse product offering and its ease of use has made it immensely popular globally. However, the company has suffered many ethical issues and lack of data privacy. There was widespread debate about the tracking of personal information which is not acceptable by majority of the people. There are instances when the search engine keeps the previously entered information in the same web browser. This has made the company to face wide criticisms as the users argue that this act was done without taking prior consent. There were also a large number of legal battles that were fought by the company regarding this issue. This report is based on the case study named Google: The Quest to Balance Privacy with Profits and the associated three questions. It would identify the ways Google can use to improve the services provided to the stakeholders. It would also determine the various types of stakeholders and how the company can improve their lives. The report would analyze the balance that should be kept by Google between respecting user privacy and generating revenues. The third aspect of the report would concentrate on the changes in the business operations of Google due to government regulations. Use of power by Google to improve the lives of its stakeholders Google is a multinational company of global repute which has delivered excellent services to its customers ( 2017). The primary product of the company has touched the lives of millions of people. The user-friendly search engine makes it easier for people to search according to their needs. The company not only manages search engine but also helps the individuals in the management of their personal information. The company has revolutionized the way the individuals store as well as access the information ( 2017). The customers are able to receive important reminders regarding expiring or renewing things and they are able to access all their required information through any devices of their choice such as TV, laptop, phone and others ( 2017). They are also able to store their personal pictures, videos and others in the huge server provided by Google. The ability to do these things is closely related with privacy. The customers are concerned about their dat a privacy and want the company to ensure that their personal data is safe and secure. Since almost 85% of the personal data is being linked to Google, the company must ensure privacy and security of them ( 2017). The case study revealed that the company has always worked hard to improve the life of its important stakeholders (Ferrell Fraedrich and Ferrell 2016). It is concerned with the wellbeing of both the employees and the customers, which has resulted in its widespread popularity. It takes sincere efforts to make the life of the people easier. The case study also revealed that the company is always looking for innovative ways to enhance the product line of the company (Ferrell Fraedrich and Ferrell 2016). The innovative ways would also ensure that there would be improvement in the work environment and it would also ensure providing quality services to the employees. The stakeholders of Google are diverse and the reason behind this is the wide product range of the company. The products of the company range from the original product to the latest products like Google Fiber and Google Glass (Schmidt and Rosenberg 2014). Google gives high importance to its stakeholders such as users, employees, advertisers, governments, investors and communities (Mook et al. 2015). It gives highest importance to the users who directly or indirectly use the products of the company (search engine, Chrome or others). Google considers the stakeholders to be important since it defines the companys popularity ( 2017). The popularity is directly proportional to the business value of the company. Google has expanded its business in a number of ventures such as book publishing, advertising, mailboxes and social networking (Westerman Bonnet and McAfee 2014). The company has also experienced many ethical issues during its course of operation. The company has been accused of the violation of copyrights by the publishers for publishing millions of e-books ( 2017). They accused Google of violating the antitrust laws. The issue of online user privacy has been a debatable topic for the past few years (Ur and Wang 2013). This is because of the fact that the search engine keeps the information entered by the users in the web browser and it doesnt seek the permission of them ( 2017). However, the company aims to improve the privacy of the users by stating it clear in the company privacy statement, which elaborately informs the users about this concern ( 2017). There have been other similar attacks regarding the business policies of the company which has made the company to implement good business practices. It has taken dedicated efforts towards becoming responsible corporate citizen and handle the ethical issues attached with it. The company has given topmost priority to its different kinds of stakeholders. The company uses its capability to increase the satisfaction rates of its stakeholders ( 2017). Google provides an intelligent search engine that helps millions of people to gather knowledge in their subject (Halavais 2013). The customers can use it for different purpose and it is portable too, which implies that it can be accessible while travelling. It is useful in making the people stay connected with their friends and colleagues. People can also use Google Maps for the purpose of navigation through their state or city. Google believes in the fact that it would not be possible without the contribution of the employees in order to give excellent services to the customers ( 2017). Google is considered as the best places to work and it defines the capabilities of the company. They do not support the idea of only work and hence it has incorporated many fun activities in the work schedule. They also allow employees to come with pets in the workplace which values the employees and hence increases their motivation level. The core values of the company help the employees to give their best efforts and enjoy the work they are doing ( 2017). Google are also concerned about the stakeholders related to the environment and are actively engaged in corporate social responsibility. They give one day off for the employees so that they can fulfil their duties towards the poor and persons in need in the society ( 2017). They are engaged in volunteering work and offer deserving people an opportunity to transform their lives. The company takes care of the products of the competitors since advertising is the primary source of revenue generation (Haucap and Heimeshoff 2014). This process is not only beneficial for the competitors however it is useful for the customers as well. When customers visit the advertisements in the search engine of Google, then they are getting acquainted with those products which is helpful for the concerned companies (Haucap and Heimeshoff 2014). This also increases the revenue generation of the company. Google considers the investors as one of the most important groups which is affecting the success rates of the CSR activities (Peifer 2014). Google has excellent research and development strategies that contribute to the holistic approach of the firm in increasing their value before the investors. The investors are important as they determine the capital availability of the firm which is being used by the company. The R D department aims to deliver useful products that are considered to be profitable ( 2017). Balance between privacy and profitability-Google I believe that it is possible to respect the privacy of the users while trying to maintain profitability ratio of Google. The business model of Google ensures that the revenues which is earned by the company is gained by the advertising process by the marketers. This also makes it sure that the company is able to provide free services to the users. The private data of the users is required for the purpose of targeted marketing and advertising (Tucker 2014). Google increases its revenue generation in a variety of ways and there are times when the privacy of users data has been utilized for this purpose. The company should take a thoughtful process in selecting the nature of websites that would be included in the advertisements in the search engine page. It should exclude some websites which would make it more secure and it would also help the company to gain the trust of the company. The business ethics is one of the most important domains of the organizations (Crane and Matten 2016). Google has initialized default encryption in their search engine (Jueneman et al. 2015). This implies that the company would encrypt all the search sessions of the users and every person who has signed in Google website. This implies that no third party can view the private information being entered by the users and also the information which is being sent back to the user. The search results are getting more personalized and hence there are high chances of hacking of the information. Google do respect the privacy of the employees and only certain amount of information is being used for the purpose of advertisement (Jueneman et al. 2015). This is done for the purpose of service improvements as well as increase in the revenue generation of the company (Haucap and Heimeshoff 2014). The company has also included this component in the privacy statement which states that some of the user personal information would be used by the company (Lazer et al. 2014). There is no doubt that Google is an ethical company and hence the users need not worry about the security breach of every information they share on this website (Jueneman et al. 2015). This is because of the fact that Google has been awarded as the one of the worlds most ethical organizations by Ethisphere Institute list, which is also awarded for excellent corporate citizenship (Hoover and Pepper 2015). This has been done by the transparent business practices and its commitment to the ethical principles. The company tracks its activities so that it can handle the privacy issue and at the same time maintain its profitability. They are also concentrating on updating their privacy policy in order to better include the rights of the users and make them informed regarding the same (Lazer et al. 2014). The privacy policy was updated by combining all the gathered information from the users at different points of time (Jueneman et al. 2015). The privacy policy was made by considering the user requirements as well as answering the questions of the government bodies (Squicciarini et al. 2015.). The company has allowed freedom to the users by which they can turn off certain features that tend to collect too many personal information. I feel that there are times when the customers do not read the privacy documents. They rush through the process of installation and later they blame the company for misusing the information. The company should try to strike a balance between protecting the user information and maintaining the company profitability. It should emphasis more on the protection of the personal information while finding alternative ways of revenue generation. It is true that almost 96 % of Googles revenues comes through the advertising channel ( 2017). It uses Adsense and Adwords to show relevant advertisements to the customers while they are looking for a specific term in the search engine (Alhlou Asif and Fettman 2016.). The income statement of Google says that 70% of the companys revenues is derived from Adwords and the rest of the revenues is derived from Adsense ( 2017). This implies that the cost per click model brings more revenues to the company. In this model, the advertiser would get payment only when the customers would click on the advertisement. However, Adsense works on the principle that the other website owners are able to join Google and they successfully d isplay the branded ads of Google. The company should focus more on Adsense since this mode offers limited security breach of the personal information of the users. The adoption of this model would help the company to increase their profitability while maintaining the privacy of the information entered by the users. The company must focus on data privacy and educate the users accordingly. It should shift its default site to a secure server. It should not only be done for the logged in users but should be implemented for all the users using the search engine. There should be more protection for the searches. Google should spread the word that if anyone is eager to receive the referrer data then they should make a conscious effort of shifting to a server that gives high security ( 2017). There should be better protection measures while maintaining the good relations between publishers and the search engines (Caroll Archie and Ann 2012). It should use the blocking mechanism to filter the referrers related to search items, which would be helpful for the publishers and at the same time, protect its users also. This would be coupled with sourcing out alternate revenue channels of the company which would increase its profitability. Effects of government regulations on Googles operations The Government has made certain legislations for the internet companies which determine the way to collect personal information and the usage of such sensitive information (Plantin et al. 2016). Google also need to follow the country specific legislations depending on their nature of business activities in the particular geographical area (Jueneman et al. 2015). There can be different legislations in different countries, which should be followed by Google, if it wishes perform its business operations in that region. China Government has stringent rules towards the internet operations and hence the company had to modify its business operations accordingly (Lee Liu and Li 2013). The company has always abided by the rules and regulations of the government ( 2017). They have also adjusted their privacy statements so that they can comply with the rules of the government. Google have to adapt to the new legislations by making changes in their business operations. The government regulations include the laws, legislations and the different statues which regulate the tracking as well as collection of user data by the internet service providers (Koske et al. 2014). The government has strictly penalized the tracking of personal data and also specifies the nature of data that can be collected by the different companies. The corporate giants are constantly in the pressure of different stakeholders either directly or indirectly. The pressure can be due to greater emphasis on the profits or the pressure on ethical business practices ( 2017). The companies are also presented with pressure on the performances. The different kinds of pressure often correspond with the moral as well as ethical responsibilities of the organizations ( 2017). The companies often engage in unethical means of getting higher profits, which has led the government to devise strict legislations in order to curb these practices. Google has been involved in lot of controversies such as entering into the markets of China where there are strict internet regulations. It has also initiated the act of tracking the users online surfing habits as well as smartphone habits, which puts a big question on data privacy and security (Lupton 2015). This has made the Government to order them for draw a line between the violation of user privacy and the generation of revenue (Mondal et al. 2014). This has made the company to modify its business operations. It has started offering internet services to the general public at free of cost as the company is able to generate the targeted advertisement modes ( 2017). It has started looking at the privacy issue from a different perspective and has incorporated more transparency in the operations. It also ensures that the rights of the stakeholders would be respected. The company may start to look for new business opportunities due to the implementation of the government le gislations, which would imply additional expenditure for the company. It should try to restore the trust of the customers, so that they can continue to be one of the most popular search engines. It cannot afford loss of users which can adversely affect the business revenues. There are instances when the open access regulations have caused less investments in the internet organizations. The Government is also promoting net neutrality and thus regulating the internet. This may affect the revenue generation of Google as it may no longer be able to track the user data ( 2017). It should give an option that would gather user consent regarding recording of the private information. There should also be an option which would allow the users to opt out of the tracking process. There are instances of reduced revenue generation as the advertising tool Adwords would be heavily affected by it, which is the primary revenue generation model of the company. However, the company should must make dedicated efforts to combat with these issues. Conclusion The business ethics is one of the most important aspects of the multinational organizations. It successfully managed to understand the privacy issues of Google. It has helped to understand and how it would manage to create balance between profitability and the privacy issues. The concluding part discusses the effects of the government legislations on the operations of Google. The report discusses the future changes in the business operations due to implementation of new business regulations. This report would broaden the understanding of the ethical issues of business and the corporate responsibility of the multinational corporations like Google. References Alhlou, F., Asif, S. and Fettman, E., 2016. 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Social networks, personalized advertising, and privacy controls.Journal of Marketing Research,51(5), pp.546-562. Ur, B. and Wang, Y., 2013, May. A cross-cultural framework for protecting user privacy in online social media. InProceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web(pp. 755-762). ACM. Westerman, G., Bonnet, D. and McAfee, A., 2014.Leading digital: Turning technology into business transformation. Harvard Business Press.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Louise Brooks And The Flapper Era Essays - Fashion, Flapper
Louise Brooks and The Flapper Era Louise Brooks and The Flapper Era The flapper era was the time of the worship of youth (pandorasbox/flapper). Flappers were women of the Jazz Age. They had measurements of pre-adolescent boys, with no waistline, no bust, and no butt. Flappers had short hair worn no longer than chin length, called bobs. Their hair was often dyed and waved into flat, head-hugging curls and accessorized with wide, soft headbands. It was a new and most original style for women. A lot of make-up was worn by flappers that they even put on in public which was once unheard of and considered something done only by actresses and whores. Flappers wore short, straight dresses often covered with beads and fringes, and they were usually worn without pantyhose. Young flappers were known to be very rebellious against their parents, and society blamed their waywardness partially on the media, movies, and film stars like Louise Brooks (Szabo). Louise Brooks was a big part of the Jazz Age and had a lot of influence on the women of the 1920's. Being a film star with a great, original personality she is known for being one of the most extraordinary women to set forth the Flapper era. Her sleek and smooth looks with her signature bob helped define the flapper look (pandorasbox/flapper). On November 14, 1906, in Cherryvale, Kansas, Mary Louise Brooks was born. She had two brothers, one sister, and parents, Leonard and Myra Brooks, who was a costume maker and pianist. In 1910, Brooks performed in her first stage role as Tom Thumb's bride in a Cherryvale church benefit. Over the next few years she danced at men's and women's clubs, fairs, and various other gatherings in southeastern Kansas. At ten years old she was already a serious dancer and very much interested in it. In 1920, Brook's family moved to Wichita, Kansas, and at 13 years old she began studying dance (pandorasbox/chron). Louise Brooks had a typical education and family life. She was very interested in reading and the arts, so in 1922 she traveled to New York City and joined the Denishawn Dance Company. This was the leading modern dance company in America at the time. In 1923, Brooks toured the United States and Canada with Denishawn by train and played a different town nearly every night, but one year later she leaves Denishawn and moves back to New York City. Not too long after her return, she gets a job as a chorus girl in the George White Scandals. Following this she and a good friend of hers sailed to Europe. At 17 years old she gained employment at a leading London nightclub. She became famous in Europe as the first person to dance the Charleston in London, and her performances were great successes (pandorasbox/chron). In 1925, Louise Brooks returned to New York and joins Ziegfeld Follier, and performed in the Ziegfeld production, Louie the 14th. That summer she had an affair with Charlie Chaplin. At the same time, Brooks also appeared in her first film, The Streets of Forgotten Men, and signed a five year contract with Paramount. This same year, she had her first appearance on a magazine cover. In 1926, she featured as a flapper in A Social Celebrity which launched her film career and introduced the flapper era (pandorasbox/chron). In 1933 Brooks married wealthy Chicago playboy Deering Davis, but within six months they were separated. In 1956, she met James Card, the legendary film creator at George Eastman House, and moved to Rochester, NY. Here she studied film and continued to write at the House. Throughout her life she finds employment on the radio, as a model, and stared in many more films in which many of them she portrayed the rapidly spreading style of a flapper. She is a miraculous woman who helped to unfold and expand the flapper era throughout the world (pandorasbox/chron). Not only did Louise Brooks have a great impact on the culture revitalization of the 1920's, but she also left contributions that are still evident today. The year is 2000, and everywhere we look this so-called "new fashion" is becoming popular, but look again. Dresses just above knee length with fringes and frills being worn by teenage girls and women, are the same style as those worn in the 1920's. The flappers of the 1920's also started a new phase of rebellion that would be passed on for decades. Before the 1920's, girls and women were always refined, reserved, "daddies' girls". This new era brought more unrefined, unpolished, and more rebellious girls. It brought
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