Friday, May 31, 2019
Arthur Ashe :: Biographies Bio Biography
Arthur Ashe was someone who was able to touch people with not only his superb tennis skills, but in addition his abilities off the court, like his superb speaking skills and knowledge of the world around him. He was willing to put aside his tennis in order to render to change what was wrong with the world. Arthur Ashe was a brave and gifted person willing to take risks to make a difference and influenced many peoples lives.In 1970, Arthur Ashe became a familiar name after Ashe easily won the 1970 Australian Open. He immediately used his new status as a popular, well-known figure in order for him to be able to address social issues and be listened to. During Apartheid, Ashe attempted to ban South Africas participation in the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF). By calling for South Africa to be banned from the Federation, he immediately saw how great his influence was, as his call was immediately granted. This make all of the States take note of Ashes powerful personal opinions and desire to get them across. Ashe spent the next couple of months after this speaking out against unfair on racial policies. This made everybody stand up and take notice and in addition to getting banned form the ILTF, South Africa was also excluded from Davis Cup competition as a direct result of Ashes influence with his words. Though he was unable to stop Apartheid with his words, he was able to make people aware of the horrors going on and also weakened it by getting the tennis organizations to exclude them from competitions, mainly the Davis cup.During this time, Ashe still hadnt given up on tennis, and continued to play well in addition to his large and ever-growing influence. In an unforgettable match, Ashe defeated popular player and Hall of Famer, Jimmy Connors and won the singles title of Wimbledon in 1975. The victory made Ashe the first black man ever to win this extremely prestigious tournament. Even now, no other black man has been able to win Wimbledon. Ashe went on to end the season ranked number one in tennis. He is also the first and only black man ever to achieve that honor.Ashes biography tragically came to an end when he suffered a heart attack while participating in a New York tennis clinic in 1979.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Path to True Happiness: Choosing Love over Desire Essay -- Homers
Motivation is the reason why people behave the way they do. It is the driving force behind human behavior and is what compels actions toward a desired goal. There are copious amounts of varying motivating forces. In Homers Iliad, it is celebrate and glory, whereas, love drives Augustines actions in The Confessions. In Meditations, Marcus Aurelius holds that the brief nature of life be the incentive behind human action. Despite the differences in reasoning and motivation, all four texts demonstrate the natural tendency of world to give into desire in pursuit of happiness. However, true happiness only exists in divine love. As follows, focusing on the ego and ones desires results in separation from and rejection of divine love and leads, inevitably, to unhappiness and harm to oneself and others. The desire and ultimate goal of the heroes in The Iliad is the fame that endures even after close. Honor and glory moderate every action and response they make because honor and glory defi ne the hero in their society. The war served as an opportunity for many to find honor and glory, as they could be gained through great, gallant deeds in battle. Achilles and Hector are both portrayed as great fighters seeing that their presence greatly affect a battle. Paris, on the other hand, must be dragged out of the city to fight in the war he instigated. Only when Hector raked him with insults, lancinating taunts and shameful things about his character did he return to battle (6.384). Good social standing is essential to the fame and power that the heroes desire. If Paris is to be deemed honorable and glorious, he must leave the safety and comfort of his home and pull his weight in battle. Ultimately, Pariss pride and desire to be liked and respe... ...n to die. Therefore, it is authorised to live like it is your last day and to strive to be a better person. For this reason, humans should realize that yielding to desires in the physical world allow not constitute eternal h appiness. It is only with the help of the gods can humans truly be happy and when it is time to depart from life, Marcus Aurelius encourages humans to welcome death for the gods would not involve you in anything bad (2.11). Death should be seen as a precious release because with Gods love and grace, the soul is freed from the battered flesh casing.By actively choosing the corruptible elements of the physical world rather than the eternal, perfect forms, humans bring evil unto themselves. Throughout The Confessions, Augustine is divided between familiar desire and spiritual desire. Motivated by love he seeks to find a solution to his division.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
These Truths, Self-Evident :: Voting Personal Narrative Election Essays
These Truths, Self-EvidentYesterdayElection DayLike many virtuous and civic-minded citizens I cast my ballotour quirky little tradition, overthrowing the regimen every two yearsyet despite my best efforts the Republican Party swept the House of Representatives and the United States Senate.I want to use a rude word right now.I wearyt understand Republicans, and I dont understand their policies this isnt to say that I dont understand their aims and objectivesI do. However, I cannot stomach what they stand for. I cannot stomach those who would deny women control over their bodies, deny homosexuals the right to legally accept love. I cannot fathom those who would cut taxes on the superrich, creating Jazz Age class divisions that separate citizens with insurmountable walls of money.But despite my disgust for most things conservatives stand for, I cannot bring myself to dismiss them. President Bush currently holds a 63 percent approval rating from the American public, and I do not cull to believe 63 percent of the citizens of my country are stupid. And despite the way I complain, I really sit down here to rant. My problem stems from the point that everything these religious zealots hold sacred radically conflicts with every belief I hold sacred and dear.Salman Rushdie knows a little something of religious zealotry. After the publication of his 1988 novel The Satanic Verses, the Indian novelist got a bit more than the usual outcry from the extreme religious right. Objecting to the negative portrayal of the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, and the Koran, Islams set apart book, Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran called on all righteous Muslims to execute the writer as well as the publisher of the book. For more than ten years, Rushdie hid from publicity and assassination, all on score of his slander of so-called sacred texts. It is reasonable to surmise that Rushdie has a pretty strong opinion of that which is declared sacrosanct.In 1990, the Institute of Contempo rary Arts in London invited the Booker Prize-winning novelist to deliver the prestigious Herbert Reed Memorial Lecture those protecting him decided that he should not go in person. Perhaps not being able to re-enter his old life, not even for such a moment (Rushdie 340), fueled Rushdies rhetoric for whatever the cause, the occasion birthed a lecture of rage Is Nothing Sacred? In this discourse, Rushdie discusses his views on the vitality and importance of literature, and whether it is, supposedly like religion, inherently sacred.
Western Civilization Essay -- essays research papers
Western Civilization from 1589 to 1914 had many specific changes that contributed to the structure of the western world ahead World War I. In the absolutism state sovereignty is embodied in the person of the ruler. Kings were absolute kings and were resposible to no none except god. In the ordinal and eighteenth centuries absolute rulers had to respect the fundamental laws of their land. They had to control competing jurisdictions, institutions or groups that were interested in their territory. They regulated religious sects. France of Louis was the classic model of absolutism. Louis XIV, " the sun king," was a devoted(p) Catholic who believed that god had estalblished kings as rulers on the earth. The French language and culture became an international style because of him. People wish what he was doing, people really liked him. He effected the western world in a good route. He made them see that absolutism could indeed be very productive. Constit utionalism is the reversal of absolutism. Tis is the limitation of the state law. Under the constitutionalism, the state must be governed according to law, not by royal decree. It implies the balance of power of the government and the rights of the subjects. Constitutional governments may be either be republics or monarchies. Between 1603 and 1649 absolutism ran along second to English beliefs. This is when costitutionalism began to rise. This was also during the English civil war. This was a messy period of time for England. After this period however, the English monarchy was restored. The Stuart kings were stored in 1660. This did not however, help religion of the relationship between king and parliament. The test was passed in 1673. This stated that those who joined the perform of England could not vote, hold office, preach, teach, attend universities or assemble, and these restrictions could not be upheld. Fear of a catholic monarchy led to the expulsion of James the 2nd and the glorious revolution. Constitutionalism was the instruction of the future and in my own personal opinion it was the best way to go. Shortly after absolutism and constituionalism the scientific revolution came into effect. The scientfic revolution of the seventeenth snow was the major cause of the change in world view and one of the key developments in the evolution of the weste... ... The American Revolution was fought from 1775-1789. The British wanted Americans to cope the imperial expenses. The Americans did not like that so they fought for there freedom and they won. They won their independence. Americas greater political equality was matched by greater hearty and economic equality. By the time the American revolution ended in 1789 the French revolution began and went on until 1791. The French were influenced by the Americans so they decided to animate too. By the 1780s Frances government was nearly bankrupt as was the banking system. The French raised bread prices and prices on other essentials. France had to do something so they went to war. France did not endure the immediate successes the way the America did. Theirs was a more slow moving process but eventually they got there. These revolutions reinforced the enlightenment idea that a better life is out there. Everything that happened shaped western civilization in one way or another. None more so then the American Revolution. The western world looked at was going on and learned from it. Western civilization has come along way and yet has a long way to travel.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Culture in Piano and Drums by Gabriel Okara Essay -- Culture Symbolism
Culture in Piano and Drums by Gabriel OkaraIn the rime Piano and Drums the poet Gabriel Okara depicts andcontrasts two different cultures through symbolism of pianos anddrums.The Poem is divided into four stanzas. The first two stanzas representthe drum culture and the second two stanzas show the pianoculture.The description of the drums is in two stanzas, but is one sentencelong. The first line of the first stanzaWhen at break of day at a riversideUses trochees to emphasize the deliberate broken rhythm. The stanzahas savage words, bleeding flesh, urgent raw, leopard snarling,spears poised, to show that this is a primitive culture, one whichhas dependency on the environment, as is represented by the hunterscrouch with spears poised. The environment in this culture isphysically dangerous, surrounded by wild animals. Drums here are a directionof communication, and hobo camp drums telegraphing the esoteric rhythm,urgent, raw shows the way of life in this culture. This is lifewhich i s simple, near the beginnings of man. The stanza usesalliteration, consonances and similes to give a rhythm that is likethat of a drum.Threatening imagery is in like manner used to give the image of danger and showphysical hazards.The first stanza mainly describes the way of life and shapes the scene.It shows how the drums are associated with the jungle and a primitiveway of life.In the second stanza the persona says how when he hears the drums, hegoes back to his youth, my blood ripples, turns torrent, topples theyears... reminiscent of his childhood to when things were simpler andcarefree, in my mothers lap a suckling. The repeating of the tsound in turns, torrent and top... ... shows how he is lost between the two societies-between his background and upbringing and what he is aspired to be.Wandering in the mystic rhythm of jungle drums and the concerto.The poem follows a logical format with each stanza beginning withWhen, And, Then and And. The connotations of each instrument contrast with one another, with Drums illustrating primitivebehaviour, and a savage, dangerous culture. The connotations of thepiano are complex and technical. The piano uses significantlydifferent word sounds, showing that it is learnt, westernized andintricate compared to the drums which is instinctive and naturallyacquired, and simple.The poem uses no set rhyme pattern which suits the poem as it has anundecided effect, emphasizing the confusion of the persona over hisfuture. There is some iambic use as comfortably as the use of trochees.
Culture in Piano and Drums by Gabriel Okara Essay -- Culture Symbolism
Culture in flabby and Drums by Gabriel OkaraIn the poem Piano and Drums the poet Gabriel Okara depicts andcontrasts two different cultures through symbolism of pianos anddrums.The Poem is divided into four stanzas. The first two stanzas representthe drum culture and the second two stanzas evince the pianoculture.The description of the drums is in two stanzas, but is one sentencelong. The first line of the first stanzaWhen at break of day at a riversideUses trochees to emphasize the deliberate broken rung. The stanzahas savage words, bleeding flesh, urgent raw, leopard snarling,spears poised, to show that this is a primitive culture, one whichhas dependency on the environment, as is correspond by the hunterscrouch with spears poised. The environment in this culture isphysically solemn, surrounded by wild animals. Drums here are a wayof communication, and jungle drums telegraphing the inscrutable rhythm,urgent, raw shows the way of life in this culture. This is lifewhich is simpl e, near the beginnings of man. The stanza usesalliteration, consonances and similes to give a rhythm that is likethat of a drum.Threatening imagery is also utilise to give the image of danger and showphysical hazards.The first stanza mainly describes the way of life and sets the scene.It shows how the drums are associated with the jungle and a primitiveway of life.In the second stanza the persona says how when he hears the drums, hegoes back to his youth, my blood ripples, turns torrent, topples theyears... reminiscent of his childhood to when things were simpler andcarefree, in my mothers lap a suckling. The repetition of the tsound in turns, torrent and top... ... shows how he is lost between the two societies-between his background and upbringing and what he is aspired to be.Wandering in the mystic rhythm of jungle drums and the concerto.The poem follows a logical format with each stanza beginning withWhen, And, Then and And. The connotations of each instrumentcontrast with one another, with Drums illustrating primitivebehaviour, and a savage, dangerous culture. The connotations of thepiano are complex and technical. The piano uses significantlydifferent word sounds, showing that it is learnt, westernized andintricate compared to the drums which is instinctive and naturallyacquired, and simple.The poem uses no set rime pattern which suits the poem as it has anundecided effect, emphasizing the confusion of the persona over hisfuture. There is some iambic use as well as the use of trochees.
Monday, May 27, 2019
A History of Bravery and Conflict Essay
Although many a(prenominal) protest against the SWAT teams use of force, history shows how vital it is for SWAT teams to handle more power than standard natural law officers. SWAT officers have captured and killed criminals who could not be stopped by conventional methods. Without them, incidents such as the Texas Tower massacre might occur with more frequency and with a greater number of casualties. Therefore, the SWAT team ought to be applauded for its power of protection and not hampered in its duties.?Although many note that specialized weapons and tactics were used as early as the time of the civil war, special SWAT teams were not created until much later. Chris Pizzo cites William E. Fairbain as the fountain of the first SWAT team. Fairbain organized his specialized teams, the Shanghai Municipal Police Force, to defend against riots, guerilla attacks and terrorists in the 1920s. Fairbains men were the first police base to use automatic weapons, carbines and high-powered rifles. They also used body armor, armed motorcycles, and chemicals to repel attackers.They countered snipers, used martial arts, and excelled at hand-to-hand combat. While Fairbains men cowcatcherly worked in Shanghai, they brought their methods back to the United States (Pizzo, 2007). In Los Angeles, the need for teams with specialized weapons and tactics was made evident in 1965, when Marquette Frye, a black man, was arrested for driving piece of music intoxicated. His mother tried to stop the arrest, and drew a crowd. The event sparked anger and rioting against policemen in Los Angeles. According to Lee W. Minikus, the rioters threw rocks and gigantic pieces of concrete at police officers.The officers were armed only with eleven shotguns one per car, and batons. After being attacked, they used their batons on the rioters to defend themselves. According to Minikus, They were not rioters, as far as Im concerned, they were gangsters. The officers neighbors, some white, some La tino, defended his wife and children, holding rifles on their front porches. The riots left 25 blacks and nine whites dead. Meanwhile, more than 1,000 others were injured. Rioters burnt businesses to modify and damaged more than 600 properties. Ironically, Minikus and Marquette remained friends after the incident (Reitman & Landsberg, 2005).In the summer of 1966, Americas need for SWAT teams became even clearer when a tragedy struck Texas. A disturbed engineering student and former marine, Charles Whitman, killed his wife and parents, then climbed to a tower on the University of Austins campus and began shooting spate students. Whitman allowed others to get tightlipped enough to aid the wounded victims, and then shot the would-be rescuers as well. He even shot an eight months pregnant woman in the stomach, cleanup position her baby. When police arrived on the scene, they had to plan to reach Whitman or to help the victims.Some tried to bring him down with an airplane, but were r epelled by his gunfire. Eventually, the officers were able to bring Whitman down by using an underground tunnel. When they reached Whitman, he fired on them. They returned fire and finally ended Whitmans attack (Snow, 1996). The tower massacre lead police to the realization that they needed to be more prepared for such attacks. Meanwhile, after the Watts riots, several snipers shot innocent civilians and police were not able to respond expeditiously to such disasters. The Los Angeles Police Department was the first to find a way to respond (LAPD, 2008).Officer John Nelson, supported by inspector Darryl Gates, came up with a special weapons and tactics squad, which would enlist a small group of extremely disciplined officers to handle the most challenging and unusual problems faced by the force. The original LAPD SWAT team consisted of fifteen men, who had both police and military experience. They operated once a month, or when they were actually needed. By the 1970s, however, SWAT t eams operated on a full-time basis in larger cities. In 1971, they officially adopted the name of SWAT (Snow, 1996).
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Media is Responsible for the Rise of Criminal Cases Amongst Youngsters
Media is Responsible for the rise of criminal cases amongst younkerters. Good afternoon view judges, teachers and my fellow bosconians. I am going to speak for the motion. Increasing violence is becoming an inalienable problem attributed to every society. According to recent public printing pools the crime rate is disquietingly growing and if something is not done soon, this phenomenon will become a real calamity. Escalating aggression, especially among the young generation is extremely bad to the society as a whole.To the most common factors instigating teen violence belong undoubtedly to aggressive films and games, in a word, Media The youngsters nowadays have tout ensemble different opportunities of organizing their free time. One of them, and probably the most popular, is TeleVision. The range and variety of TV programs is widespread and, according to the scientists, this is the media who is responsible for the increasing growth in crime.A few days back i just entered a room where two of my cousin were there one was 11years old and the other 7years and i heard them talk of the town about wwe and even saw them copying the violent actions. This is what Media is growing in, Violence. The media can have a powerful influence on young, impressionable children. India, as a developing country, most of the families have started to own television sets and radios. Furthermore, many youth spend an inordinate amount of time consuming violent media and inappropriate medical specialty .Various studies have found that YOUNGSTERS may become immune to the offense of violence gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems sham the violence they observe on television and identify with certain characters, victims or victimizers The medias use of violence as a form of entertainment has had a negative effect on our society by desensitizing people, especially youngsters, in bringing out aggressive behavior, attitudes, and values.As the amount of programs through tel evision, stereos, video games, and satellite dishes increase, media industries are competing for the loudest, most shocking idea to get the attention of the viewer. Throughout the years society has become more liberal. No longer are couples needful to sleep in different beds on TV shows and the typical clean, happy, family often represented in shows throughout the 60s and 70s had been replaced with more racy, sexual themes to catch the viewers attention. out of everyone present over i can say surely that most you watch how i met your mother .Does it not portray what i said properly now. Violence and sex have become effective methods in promoting movies and television shows. Often these themes are used to the producers advantage as hooks before commercials, in avertisements, and in previews as a glimpse of something exciting that can be shown in a short period of time and vex the consumer. Action films have a high degree of fights, killings, special effects, and explosions to k eep the attention of an audience. Violence is big in many action movies because it is not culture-specific and requires less(prenominal) complexity .Today, violence is being used in media for thrill, which is likely to develop an urge to kill or hurt, in young minds. Those who have criminal instincts unneurotic with intelligence and need fast money can easily get inspired by such(prenominal) serials and movies with heavy dose of violence. Media just to gain forwarding has started highlighting all the criminal cases and telecasting them. The youngsters facing problems in their lives and after repeatedly trying to overcome the problem but have not follow yet have started to resort to all sorts of crime.It was just reported 2 days back that A youth allegedly raped a 15-year-old little girl in Rajasthans Alwar and uploaded a video clipping of the act on Facebook. When an asinine psychologically disturbed individual posts such a violent video on a popular social-website, there is a s trong possibility that at least one of the viewers will be inspired by such a video, and will be tempted to imitate the act in the video, and this will lead to a crime As media grows, the exposure to such violent stories has also increased, and it is believed, that such an exposure has inspired a number of people to act violently and commit crimes.Movies like don escalate violence in young minds because at the end the criminal is the hero. Young minds if suffering from problems may resort to such hideous actions. Media should promote the dignity of women instead of disgracing it.They are portraying them as a commodity which can be sold in the market. Media should give more importance to spread knowledge about useful stuff and gift in shaping young minds and showing them the right path to follow . Media today is the satan in disguise , disillusioning young minds to the path of horror and hepling them achieve their aims and aspirations through negative ways.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Applied Heat Past Examination Questions
Applied Heat past Examination Questions 1. An Ammonia refrigerator is to produce 2 thyroxin of ice per day at -4C from water at 20C. if the temperature range in the compressor is between 25C and -6C, Calculate horse position required to derive the compressor. Latent Heat of ice = 80 kcal/kg, and specific heat of ice= 0. 5 2. A compressor draws 42. 5 m3 of ship per minute in the cylinder, at a force of 1. 05 kg/cm abs. It is compressed Polytropically pV1. 3=C to a air pressure level 4. 2 kg/cm2 abs, before being delivered to a receiver. Assuming a mechanical efficiency of 80% Calculate a.Indicated horse power b. Shaft horse power, and c. Overall isothermal efficiency. 3. A single correspond impulse turbine has a speed of 1000rpm and a mean blade ring diam of 60 cm. The nozzles are inclined at 22 to the plane of gy proportionn and the specific henry drop is 190 KJ/kg. look out a. The relative speeding of the steam at inlet, and b. The blade inlet angle. 4. An engine consume s fuel of calorific value 44MJ/Kg at a rate of 45tonne/day. It the indicated thermal efficiency is 39% and break thermal efficiency is 33%. Calculate a. The indicated power, b. The brake power, and . The power befuddled to friction. 5. The impart in a ships saloon is maintained at 19C and is changed twice every bit from the outside zephyr which is at 7C. The saloon is 27m by 15m by 3m high. Calculate the kilowatt loading to heat this air taking the saloon to be at atmospherical Pressure = 1. 013 pothouse. R for air =0. 287 KJ/kg K. 6. 0. 23kg of air has an initial pressure of 1. 7 MN/m2 and a temperature of 200C. it is expanded to a pressure of 0. 34 MN/m2 according to the law pV 1. 35 = Constant. delineate the work permutered during the expansion. Take R = 0. 29 KJ/kg K. 7.The equivalent evaporation of a boiler from and at 100C is 10. 4 kg steam/kg fuel. The calorific value of the fuel is 29800KJ/kg. Determine the efficiency of the boiler. If the boiler produces 15000 kg o f steam per hour at 24 halt from feed water of 40C and the fuel consumption is 1650 kg/h, determine the condition of the steam produced. 8. A single-cylinder, ikon performing steam engine is 250mm tire by 300mm bezzant and runs at 3. 5rev/s, steam is supplied at 1035 KN/m2 and the back pressure is 34 KN/m2 and the diagram factor is 0. 81. Determine the indicated power of the engine. a. If cut off is at 0. 5 stroke, b. If cut off is at 0. 5 stroke. 9. Air enters a nozzle with a pressure of 700 KN/m2 and with a temperature of 180C. Exit pressure is 100 KN/m2. The law connecting pressure and specific volume during the expansion in the nozzle is pV1. 3=Constant. Determine the pep pill at exit from the nozzle. Take Cp= 1. 006 KJ/kg K and Cv=0. 717 KJ/kg K. 10. A single row, impulse turbine has a mean blade speed of 215 m/s. neb entry angle is at 30 to the plane of rotation of the blades. The steam velocity from the nozzles is 550 m/s. There is 15% loss of relative velocity callabl e to friction across blades.The absolute velocity at the exit is along the axis of the turbine. The steam flow through the turbine is at the rate of 700 kg/h. Determine a. The inlet and exit angles of the blades, b. The absolute velocity of the steam at exit, c. The power output of the turbine. 11. The high temperature of a Carnot cycle is 400C and the cycle has a thermal efficiency of 55%. The volume ration of the isothermal processes is 2 8 1. Determine for the cycle a. The low temperature, b. The volume ration of the adiabatic processes, c. The boilers suit thermal efficiency. Take r = 1. 4 12.A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 141 and an efficiency ratio of 0. 7 when referred to the air standard efficiency. The fuel consumption is 5. 65 kg/h. Take r=1. 4 and calorific value of the fuel oil is 44500 KJ/kg. Determine the indicated power developed. 13. The comp extirpate of a fuel oil is 85. 5% carbon, 11. 9% hydrogen, 1. 6% oxygen and 1% impurities. Calculate the perce ntage of carbon dioxide in the flue louse upses, a. When the quantity of air supplied is the minimum for complete combustion, and b. When the excess air over the minimum is (i) 25% (ii) 50% iii) 75% 14. In an air compressor the air is compressed to the law pVn= eternal quantity. The compressor takes in 105 m3/min of air at 1. 0 stop 27C. If the pressure ratio is 5 to 1, envision a. The index of compression, b. Power absorbed by the compressor. 15. A single acting opposed piston 6 cylinder two stroke engine have mechanical efficiency of 86% when rail at 105 rpm with mean opinionive pressure of 7. 24 bar, produces brake power of 4326 kW. The atomic pile of the top piston with its connecting parts is 25% greater than that of bottom piston and the combined stroke is 2340 mm.If the stroke of piston varies inversely as the big buckses of the reciprocating parts. Calculate (i) The stroke of the top and bottom pistons, (ii) The cylinder diameter. 16. The spate abridgment of a fuel is 86% carbon, 11. 5% hydrogen and 2. 5% oxygen. If for complete combustion 25% excess air is supplied per kg of fuel burnt, face a. The mass of flue gases, b. Volume of air at 1. 0 bar and 15C. Take R for air = 0. 287 kJ/kgh. 17. The diameter of an air compressor cylinder is cxl mm, the stroke is 180 mm, and the clearance volume is 77cm. he pressure in the cylinder at the solution of the stroke is 1. 0 bar and during delivery is constant at 4. 8 bar. Taking the law of compression as pV1. 25=Constant, calculate the distance moved by the piston during the delivery period and impart this as fraction of the stroke. 18. A turbine plant consists of H. P. and L. P. stages and is supplied with steam at 15 bar 300C. The steam is expanded in the H. P. and leaves at 2. 5 bar 0. 97 teetotal. Some of the steam is bled off to the feed heater and remaining passes to L. P. where it is expanded to 0. 15 bar 0. 84 dry.If the same quantity of work transfer takes place in each unit, calculate th e amount of steam bled off expressed as percentage of the steam supplied. 19. 7. 08 liters of air at a pressure 1. 79 bar and temperature of 333C is expanded according to the law pV 1. 3 = constant and the final pressure 1. 206 bar, calculate a. Volume at the end of expansion, b. die transfer from the air and, c. The temperature at the end of expansion. 20. Steam leaves the nozzle and enters the blade wheel of a single stage impulse turbine at a velocity of 840 m/s and at an angle of 20 to the plane of rotation.The blade velocity is 350 m/s and the exit angle of the blade is 2512. Due to friction the steam looses 20% of its rotational velocity across the blades, calculate a. The blade inlet angle and, b. The magnitude and the direction of absolute velocity of steam at exit. 21. In a Freon-12 refrigerating plant, Freon leaves the condenser with a specific enthalpy of 50kJ/kgK. The pressure in the evaporator is 1. 826 bars and the refrigerating leaves the evaporator at this pressure at a rate of 0. 4 Kg/s and a temperature of 0C. Calculate a. Dryness fraction of Freon at inlet of the evaporator, b.The refrigerating effect per minute. 22. A glass tube of uniform bore is closed at on end and open at the other. It contains air impris unmatchabled by a column of mercury 42. 7 mm long. When the tube is held vertically with close end at the bottom, the length of the air column is 227. 6mm. Taking 1mm of mercury = 133. 5N/m2 and atmospheric pressure = 101. 5 kN/m2. Calculate the length of the air column if the tube is held vertically with the closed end at the top. 23. A single acting gas engine of bore 190 mm and stroke 380 mm has an indicated power of 13 kW when developing brake power of 9 kW thither being 125 explosions per minute.The consumption of gas of calorific value 1. 76 MJ/m3 is 6. 8m3/hour. Calculate the mechanical and indicated thermal efficiencies, and the mean effective pressure. 24. A six cylinder, intravenous feeding stroke, internal combustion engi ne is required to develop a brake of 176 kW under the following conditions Speed 200rev/min, brake m. e. p. 8 bars, stroke/bore ratio 1. 25/1. Break specific fuel consumption 0. 262 Kg/KWh. Calculate- a. The cylinder dimensions, and b. Fuel consumption kg/h 25. Carbon dioxide leaves a refrigeration condenser with a total heat of 156kJ/kg.After throttling it passes through the evaporator from and it leaves with a dryness fraction of 0. 98. At the evaporator pressure the liquid heat is 12kJ/kg and the latent heat is 280kJ/kg. If 13. 8 kg of refrigerant circulates per minute, calculate- a. The dryness fraction at the inlet to the evaporator, and b. The heat absorbed in the evaporator in 24 hours. 26. Steam is generated from feed water at a temperature of 93. 3 C as follows In plant A the steam generated is 17. 25 bar dry perfect(a). In plant B the steam generated is 17. 25 bar 0. 9 dry and, In Plant C the steam generated is 17. 5 bar 82C super heat. Calculate the percentage change in the consumption using plant A as the base. 27. A hydrocarbon fuel cell is in all burned with 12. 5 percent excess air. Calculate the Volume of air utilise to burn 1Kg of fuel, measured at 1. 01 bars and 18C. Air contains 23 percent oxygen by mass. Atomic mass relationship Hydrogen=2, Carbon=12, Oxygen=16. 28. An oil engine has a volumetric compression ratio of 131. At the commencement of compression the air in the cylinder is at 1 bar and 15. 6C. Calculate the temperature and pressure at the end of compression if the index of compression is 1. 8. 29. A single acting air compressor working without clearance has a 220mm bore and 200mm stroke. The suction conditions are 1 bar 27C and running speed is 10 rev/sec. if compression is according to the law pV1. 3=Constant and the electric arc pressure is 10 bar. Calculate, a. The mass of air compressed per hour, and b. The discharge temperature. 30. Calculate the final temperatures and final total heat of both (a) and (b). a. Water at 65. 6 C having a mass of 45. 36 kg is cooled by placing 4. 536 kg of ice at -8. 9C into the water. b. Water at 65. 6C having a mass of 54. 1 kg is cooled by addition of 22. 68 kg of water at 26. 7C. 31. An impulse steam turbine operates at 50rev/sec. The mean blade tip diameter is 0. 6m. The blade exit angle is 30 and the velocity of the steam relative to the blade at blade exit is 300 m/s. Calculate or determine by any other means the kinetic energy of steam leaving the blades per kilogram of steam flow. 32. A perfect gas at 3. 1 bar and 30C is compressed according to the law pV1. 3=constant until its temperature increases to 215C. Sketch the process on a p-V diagram and calculate a.The pressure at the end of compression. b. The changes in enthalpy and internal energy per kilogram of gas. 33. In an ideal constant volume cycle the temperature at the beginning of compression is 50C. the volumetric compression ratio is 51. If the heat supplied during the bible is 930 KJ/Kg of working flu id, calculate a. The maximum temperature attained on the cycle, b. travel done during the cycle/kg of working fluid, and c. The thermal efficiency of the cycle. Take ?=1. 4 and Cv= 0. 1717 KJ/Kg K. 34. A fuel has a mass analysis of carbon 87 percent, hydrogen 5. percent and remainder ash. The calorific value of carbon and hydrogen are 34MJ/kg and 145 MJ/kg respectively. Calculate for one kilogram of fuel a. The calorific value, b. The mass of exhaust gas if 35 percent excess air is supplied. When burning fuel, why is excess air used? Air contains 23 percent oxygen by mass Atomic mass relationships hydrogen=1, oxygen=16, carbon=12. 35. One kilogram of dry saturated steam at 4 bars is contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston. The steam rejects 320 KJ of heat energy at constant pressure is 1. 4 bars. Calculate a.The condition of the steam on completion of cooling at constant pressure, b. The condition of the steam on completion of cooling at constant volume, and c. The quantity of heat energy rejected during constant volume cooling. 36. A steam turbine which operates at 50rev/s has a mean blade-ring diameter of 1m at a certain stage. The blades are designed for 50 percent reaction and have the exit and inlet angles at 30 and 50 respectively. The turbine is supplied with steam at the ratio of 166. 67kg/s and the stage efficiency is 85 percent. Calculate or determine by any other means a.The power output of the stage, and b. The specific enthalpy drop in the stage. 37. In Ammonia refrigeration plant the refrigerant leaves the condenser at 22C as saturated liquid. The evaporator pressure is 2. 077bar and refrigerant leaves the evaporator 0. 98 dry saturated. For a cooling load of 40kW, calculate a. The rate of circulation of the refrigerant (kg/s), b. The effective swept volume of the compressor (m3) if its speed is 1 rev/s. 38. A copper bar of 75mm diameter, 13m long is heated by a direct current flowing through the bar. The steady electrical input to the bar is 500W.Assuming the bar is well-insulated and neglecting conduction heat losings at the leads, calculate the wires taken for the temperature of the bar to increase from 5C to 365C. 39. A single stage double acting air compressor deals with 18. 2m3 of air per minute measured at conditions of 1. 61325 bar 15C. The condition at the beginning of compression is 0. 965 bar 27C and the discharge pressure is 4. 82 bars. The compression is according to the law pV1. 32=constant. If the mechanical efficiency of the compressor is 0. 9 calculate the input power required to drive the compressor. 40.In a steady flow process the working fluid enters and leaves a horizontal system with negligible velocity. The temperature drop from inlet to outlet is 480C and the heat losses from the system are 10KJ/kg of fluid. Determine the power output from the system for a fluid flow of 1. 7kg/s. For fluid Cp=900 J/kgK. 41. A four stroke single cylinder engine working on constant volume cycle, develops 7. 5 KW( Brake) at 60 rev/s, the mechanical efficiency being 0. 8. The pressure at the beginning of compression is 0. 97 bar. The engine has a volumetric compression ratio of 7 and the maximum pressure reached in the cycle is 34 bar.If both compression and expansion is according to the law pV1. 38=constant. Calculate a. The indicated mean effective pressure, and b. The diameter of the cylinder if stroke/bore ratio is 1. 25. 42. A boiler generates steam at 40 bar 400C and supplied to a steam turbine at the rate of 14 kg/s. due to frictional and heat losses the steam at the turbine inlet is at 37 bar 350C. If the steam velocity leaving the boiler is 30 m/s and the change in the kinetic energy of steam is negligible. Calculate a. The diameter of the steam supply pipe, and b. The heat loss from the steam supply pipe.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Challenges of the Job Analysis Process Essay
With internal and external factors such as budgetary constraint, technological advances and demographics ar do it more challenging for Human Resource Management. Companies as well colleges and universities be finding it more difficult to forecast and plan for the future. With the help of HR strategies and methods companies atomic number 18 able to utilize available resources to recruit and hire suitable candidates.Human Resource professionals development methods for posting vacancies, developing and implementing recruitment strategies, identifying and selecting candidates, assuring all pre-employment requirements are met, and confirming muse offers. Since a large number of applications are received each year, it is impossible to interview of all applicants by Human Resources Department.However, all applications are reviewed and applicants whose qualifications and experience seem most appropriate to the opening for which they have applied are generally selected for screening inte rviews with the Office of Human Resources or the hiring department. This process is where forecast, planning, barter abstract and human resource strategies are crucial when creating a strong workforce.Impact Of Job Analysis On Job Performance Analysis of a Hypothesized Model found in the Journal of Diversity Management. This study was based on a study of employees of Pakistan Public sector regulatory authorities of telecommunication, anele and gas, power, media, security exchange, banking sector and organizations being regulated by these authorities is an attempt to develop and test a hypothesized model linking HR importance of short letter outline with employee job performance.The study concluded that the Human Resource Management must develop better tools to measure the effectiveness of the job compend process. The job analysis process is not a singularly a good measurable tool for performance.However it can prove to be a useful management to tie together employee perfo rmance standards. It is with guarded optimism, to solely intrust only on practices to prove a direct link with the analysis and desired outcome. A job analysis model may be a tested method to provide factual evidence to give HR professionals to link their efforts with the job performances. departs Cited Safdar, Rehman, Ajmal Waheed, and Khattak Hamid Rafiq. Impact of Job Analysis on Job Performance Analysis of a Hypothesized Model. Journal of Diversity Management 5.2 (2010) 17-36. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Sept. 2013.Strategic HR and Talent Management in Higher EducationThis article addresses the challenges of seeking a talented and diverse faculty and staff for colleges and universities. In this ever changing world of higher education, the Human Resource professionals must seek faculty and staff members domestically as well as globally to stay competitive and relevant with todays students. Human Resources department are using well tested methods for recruitment and select ion such as Job analysis and the establishment of required and preferred qualifications based on position requirements Development of effective and high-octane sourcing and outreach processes that attract talented and diverse candidates The world power to market the institution as an employer of choice Training hiring authorities and search committees on structured interviewing and screening procedures Assessment of candidates using standardized, valid instrumentation and judicial decision Development of hiring policies and accountability structures Ensuring compliance with federal and state nondiscrimination laws.In conclusion, with budgetary challenges many colleges and universities face, Human Resources is still expected to find the most talented and respect faculty members to help increase recognition in the area of higher learning.Human Resource professionals in colleges and universities have yet to take advantage of alive opportunities to develop solid approaches for both faculty and staff to participate in the job analysis development plans regarding moving talent management practices into viable programs and proposals. Work Cited Strategic HR and Talent Management in Higher Education. (2012). ASHE Higher Education Report, 38(1), 45-67. peeled Tricks for an Old Dog Visualizing Job Analysis ResultsFor several old age many Human Resource professionals have used the same job analysis methods to gather information to develop job characterizations. These methods have proven to be very reliable and effective. However, technological advances in data analysis and visualization techniques offer opportunities to incorporate new practices and build upon the success of past methods.Data analysis techniques that intermingle visualization offer an opportunity to better interpret job analysis results, thus making study results more influential and efficient. As be the article, information visualization and knowledge visualization are young interdisciplinar y fields that draw heavily from cognitive science, visual perception, and computer science. Information visualization is the representation of selected features or elements of abstract and complex data.Whereas information visualization requires the use of computer-supported tools to analyze large amounts of data, knowledge visualization involves the transfer of knowledge among persons. Both methods rely on competency based job analysis and web based surveys. In summary, it has been proven that visualization of job analysis information is an effective and efficient method for accumulate and presenting data.However, very little research has been done in this area. Instead, Most Human Resource professionals continue to rely on the same methods of collecting data for creating job description and KSAs. With the help of technology, visualization techniques may prove to be more effective and more efficient for gathering and interpreting job analyses.Now is the time to explore and adopt ne w methods as the workforce is continuing to become more competitive and challenging. Work Cited Stetz, Thomas A., Scott B. Button, and W. Benjamin Porr. New Tricks for an Old Dog Visualizing Job Analysis Results. Public Personnel Management 38.1 (2009) 91-100. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Sept, 2013.// oo++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16)return t,a=function(e)e=e.match(/Ss1,2/g)for(var t=,o=0o < e.lengtho++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(eo,16))return t,d=function()return,p=function()var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocolif(p.indexOf(http)==0)return pfor(var e=0e
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Poh Kong
1. 0 COMPANY PROFILE POH KONG founded in 1976, as a open jeweller has transformed itself from a traditional jewelry until the middle of the recognition of the most important jewellery brand as synonymous with excellence associated with the design, part and superior craftsmanship. Listed on Bursa Malaysia since 2004, POH KONG has been hailed as the largest jewellery retail chain in Malaysia with a displacework of vitamin C branches across the country with manufacturing facilities. It has been successful in ontogeny and promoting its own brand and become the sole electrical distributor for many global brands.POH KONG in-house brands including Tranz, Happy Love, Anggun, The Art of kindly, Bunga Raya favourable Bar, and many more(prenominal) to come. POH KONG is the licensee for Disney Collection is the sole distributor for luxury Schaeffer pearls from around the world. POH KONG using a dissimilarial image of the brand and retail concept to meet the needs of different custome rs. Apart from POH KONG and Diamond & Gold eruptlets, retail concepts such(prenominal) as POH KONG Gallery, Diamond Boutique, Jade Gallery, Tranz Boutique and Oro Bianco argon available. 2. The General Environment 2. 1 Political Jewellery retail chain Poh Kong Holdings Bhd expects the toll of specie to be on an upward trend this category(2012), fuelled by demand for the precious metal as investment. Movement of favorable damages would depend on the political stability in Iran, where Poh Kong gets its supply. Poh Kongs AGM expect that if war starts in iran, metal(prenominal) worths may gain by 30%. Last class, gold hit above US$1,900 per ounce but has since fallen to US$1,620 this month. Demand for gold globally is still on upward trend.The conjunction are still seeing double-digit growth globally on gold bullion and bars, so there is still a potential for the company to bm forward. Besides that, the high price of gold would bring higher margins for Poh Kong as the cost is passed down to retail customers. On bank offering gold investment, although there is a bit competition, Poh Kongs sales are not affected as customers still come bak to them. 2. 2 Economic Poh Kong Holdings Bhd is expecting a better financial social class ahead, spurred by change magnitude demand for gold from the public.When the price of gold escalates, the companys interchange price to retail customers increase in tandem. A higher gold price, therefore, has a positivr impact on the revenue. The biggest jeweller in the country by the number of outlets says its sales are not affected by the volatility in gold prices. Instead, sales of gold bars increase, as the rich look for a safe investment. Analysts say the company can ride the increase appetite for gold as a safe investment class, especially amid economic and financial uncertainties.The US Federal Reserves decision to pump more money into the financial system with a second round of quantitative easing will also mean more money going into commodities akin gold, which will drive prices even higher. However, this would also mean higher inflation, which would fuel the upward trend of gold prices. For FY2010, Poh Kong reported an 11. 24% rise in net profits to RM31. 61 million on the back of a smaller 3. 62% increase in revenues to RM561. 24million. EPS was 7. 7 sen, up from 6. 93 sen the yr before. exculpate profit and operating margins increase in FY2010 to 5. 63% and 9. 8%, respectively, from 5. 25% and 9. % in FY2009. 2. 3 Social Poh Kong Groups CSR initiatives are in line with Bursa Malaysias framework touch on towards the workplace, marketplace, community and environs. As a socially responsible company, the corporate citizenship is integrated into a sustainable business model that goes beyond shareholders interests, for the betterment of society. Corporates CSR programme embraces responsibility for the Companys actions and encourages a positive impact through its activities by its employees, c aring for consumers, giving back to the under privileged through societal benefit work and environmental protection.The Group aligns its corporate activities to social causes with the various target publics as we endeavor to create a more caring community and fuddle a significant difference in the lives of many in society. In this respect, Poh Kong recognizes its CSR is to foster mutually beneficial relationships with our stakeholders and society through active participation and sponsor improve the living standards of the surrounding communities. 2. 4 Technological Science and technology are closely related in the gold mining process, especially in the extracting and processing of the metal. Gold is a golden ellow metal, which is solid at room temperature. Gold can be extracted in many ways. Mining for gold is tho worthwhile financially where there is a significant concentration of it found in ore. The fixed price of gold in 1934 increased from $20. 67 U. S. to $35 U. S. per tro y ounce. This price remained fixed until 1968 which discouraged hard rock mining for gold because increased inflation (which raised the cost of mining production) prevented the mining companies from devising a profit. 3. 0 Task Environment Analysis Gold mines tend to have a huge impact on the environment.From digging out a huge pit, to disposing of the left over chemicals and tailing. If a gold mine isnt managed properly it can have some very negative impacts on the environment. A plebeian impact is when water utilise in the mining process is polluted with chemicals from the factory and then put back into rivers and streams. Cyanide used to extract gold can pollute the rivers and kill fish and other. 3. 1 Green Awareness In contributing to the environment, Poh Kong believes in green awareness activities and eco-friendly measures that reduces the carbon footprint generated by the organizations infrastructure and working towards reducing wastage. . 2 Energy Conservation Through the combined effort and dedication of each employee, environment-friendly lifestyles that promote green technology are practised. This include using light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) for energy saving lighting, the automatic shutdown of desktop computers while not in use, maintaining air-conditioning at comfortable, but lower temperatures, exchange off non-essential lights and equipment, and the recycling of materials have all reduced costs savings. 3. 3 On a Green QuestWe help minimise the impact on the environment by restricting the use of hazardous substances, undertaking the safe disposal of waste discharge and the monitoring of pollution levels for a clean environment. Poh Kong believes in b differentiateline wastage and is working towards a zero waste discharge policy in the jewellery manufacturing process. The Company takes back gold products at end-of-use or end-of-life for responsible reuse, recycle, remanufacture or recovery of the gold in the refining process.The Companys aim is to provide and maintain a clean environment for sustainable development for current and future generations. It strives to touch the social, environmental and ethical obligation which is vital in global environmental sustainability. 4. 0 SWOT military posture POH KONG is a well-know brand and is attractive for those who admire bonnie jewelry. The POH KONG is successful in designing, provided quality product and the hardware to make the jewelry. POH KONG also listed in BURSA MALAYSIA, so the company succeed attract many customers buy their products.The different design and different concept is enured to target the different market segmentation as to fulfill the customer requirement. POH KONG Holding Berhad offered jewelry to wedding, jade, international, diamond or gems and many else according to customers taste. POH KONG has its own expert to designing the product to make it more luxury. The price offer is based on the regime policy, so the price is not so expensive and everyone is affordable. failing Some POH KONG company branch is not selling all products, because the shop offer limited space.So, the customer retributory can take an order through cataloged or browser. As a result, it might lose some customer or decrease customers satisfaction imputable to take time in sending the stock to the customers. Besides that, some customers also complain the POH KONG is less option if compare with other competitors. Consequently, majority customers move to support other company. Opportunity Using the latest technology might help the company growing faster. POH KONG can save their production cost by used new technology and produce large quantity jewelry.The company can perceived it as cost wages and offer a intelligent price for the customers. POH KONG also received the payment method by credit card, this is convenience to the customers when they buy expensive jewelry. Moreover, they also used the online marketing to market their product, the costumer can visited the website to get the latest information. POH KONG has a big business formulation, such as distributor to the international brands such as Tranz, Happy Love, Anggun, The Art of Auspicious and Bunga Raya Gold Bar.Also, they distribute for Schoeffel Luxury Pearls from German, Luca Carati and Verdi from Italy, Angel Diamond from Belgium and Cocoro from Japan. Threats The strict of governing policy might influence POH KONG gain profit in business. Next, due to the change magnitude number of competitors, POH KONG was facing the problem of pricing war. This is because majority customers will choose the company which can provide reasonable price with good quality products. As an existing many competitors, they will purposely offer lower price to attract more customers.The problem of pricing war between competitor had die hard to POH KONG frequently innovation unique and special design product in order to attract and maintain customers. The competition has result in POH KON G more index used several ways to become a big retailer in the industry, the subjective is to increase their profit and market share. 5. 0 TOWS Internal Factors (IFAS)ExternalFactors(EFAS) Strength (S) Weaknesses (W) Opportunities (O) SO strategies-POH KONG is a well-know company and distribute the jewelry into international market. The expertise enabling creates various products with new technology. -all the product price are according organization policy, so the company successful gain cost advantage. -With the POH KONG operate outlet in all state, the company can gain the cost advantage when they selling large quantity with lower price to the customer WO strategies- The company should use the latest technology to producing more quantity products. POH KONG company distributes their product over the international market as to compete with competitors. POH KONG company selling various products with lower price as to fulfill customer requirement around the international market. Threats (T) ST strategies- POH KONG company set a goal to become a leader in jewelry retailers as to face the competition problem. -The price of POH KONG is according to government policy, so they can avoid pricing war between competitors. -POH KONG has follows the government policy to manage their business, as to gain their profit. WT strategies-Due to many competitors, POH KONG had faced the pricing war. The strict of government policy lead to POH KONG branch unable to fulfill customer requirement. -As many competitors in market, POH KONG have to compete with others as to become a big retailer in market. Strength and Opportunities (SO) POH KONG is a well-known company in jewelry industry, so they can use their reputation to distribute the products into international market. The expertise in POH KONG might useful to generate a creative idea in creates various products with the latest technology.POH KONG was comply with the government policy to gain their cost advantage and open outlet in all state by selling large amounts of products with lower price to the customers. Weakness and Opportunity (WO) POH KONG company should be used the latest technology to produce large amount and more quality products, it is important for customers have more option from variety products. POH KONG develop a dodge plan by export their products into international market and selling various jewelry with lower price as to fulfill customers expectation.Strength and Treats (ST) POH KONG based their strength to set a goal as become a big retailer in jewelry industry. Otherwise, POH KONG also set their price based on government policy, so they can avoid pricing war from competitors. As to gain more profit and increase the market share, POH KONG have to comply the government policy. Weakness and Treats (WT) Due to existence competitors in market, POH KONG has faced pricing war between the competitors. Because pricing is an important asset for company to attract more customers in order to increase company.As the strict of government policy lead to some POH KONG branch was unable to fulfill all customers requirement. As a result, POH KONG is require to set a goal to become a big retailer in jewelry industry. 6. 0 Ratio Analysis Formula 1. Liquidity Ratios current ratio = circulating(prenominal) assets Current liabilities Quick ratio = Current assets inventory Current liabilities Inventory to net working =capital Inventory Current assets current liabilities . Profitability Ratios crystallise profit margin = solve profit after taxes Net sales supply on investment (ROI) = Net profit after taxes Total assets Return on fair play (ROE) = Net profit after taxesShareholders equity 3. Activity Ratios Inventory turnover rate = Net salesInventory Net working capital turnover = Net salesNet working capital Asset turnover = Sales Total assets 4.Leverage Ratios Debt to asset ratio = Total debt Total assets Debt to equity ratio = Total debt Shareholders equ ity Current liabilities to equity = Current liability Shareholders equity Analysis 1. Liquidity Ratios ( i ). Current ratio 2011 category 2010 year RM 484,863,174 RM 198,367,638 = 2. 44 multiplication RM 419,387,537 RM 120,116,086 = 3. 49 multiplicationFor current ratio, year 2011 is 2. 44 times and 3. 49 times in year 2010. It is decreased 1. 05 times in year 2011 if compare with year 2010. 2011 year 2010 year RM 484,863,174 RM 443, 668, 132 RM 198,367,638 = 0. 21 times RM 419,387,537 RM 383,614,269 RM 120,116,086 = 0. 30 times ( ii ). Quick ratio Fo For quick ratio, year 2011 is 0. 21 times and 0. 30 times in year 2010. It is decreased 0. 09 times in years 2011 if compare with year 2010. ( iii ). Inventory to net working capital 011 year 2010 year RM 443, 668, 132 RM 484,863,174 RM 198,367,638= 1. 55 times RM 383,614,269 RM 419,387,537 RM 120,116,086 = 1. 28 times For Inventory to net working capital year 2011 is higher than 2010, which is 1. 55 times (2011) and for year 201 0 is 1. 28 times. It is increased 0. 27 times in year 2011 if compare with year 2010. 2. Profitability ratio ( i ). Net profit margin 2011 year 2010 year RM 41,204,606 x 100 % RM 487,653,434 = 8. 5 % RM 32,516,897 x 100 % RM 389,023,737 = 8. 36 % ( F For net profit margin, year 2011 is higher than year 2010, which is 8. 45 % and 8. 36 % in year 2010. And year 2011 is increased 0. 09 %. ( ii ). Return on investment (ROI) 2011 year 2010 year RM 41,204,606 x 100 % RM 576,408,981 = 7. 15 % RM 32,516,897 x 100 % RM 509,641,678 = 6. 38% For ROI, year 2011 is 7. 15 % and 6. 38 % in year 2010, which is increased 0. 7 % in year 2011 compare with year 2010. ( iii ). Return on equity (ROE) 2011 year 2010 year RM 41,204,606 x 100 % RM 345,996,853 = 11. 91 % RM 32,516,897 x 100 % RM 310,537,172 = 10. 47 % In year 2011, ROE is 11. 91 % and 10. 47 % for year 2010. That is increased 1. 44 % if compare with year 2010. 3. Activity Ratios ( i ). Inventory turnover 2011 year 2010 year RM 487,653,434 RM 443,668,132 = 1. 0 times RM 389,023,737 RM 383,614,269 = 1. 01 times In year 2011, inventory turnover for Poh Kong Holdings Berhad is 1. 10 times and 1. 01 times for year 2010. It is increased 0. 09 times for year 2011. ( ii ). Net working capital turnover 2011 year 2010 year RM 487,653,434 RM 484,863,174 RM 198,367,638 = 1. 70 times RM 389,023,737 RM 419,387,537 RM 120,116,086 = 1. 30 timesFor net working capital turnover, year 2011 is 1. 70 times and year 2010 is 1. 30 times. It is increased 0. 40 times in year 2011 if compare with year 2010. ( iii ). Assets turnover 2011 year 2010 year RM 487,653,434 RM 576,408,981 = 0. 85 times RM 389,023,737 RM 509,641,678 = 0. 76 times For assets turnover, year 2011is 0. 85 times and year 2010 is 0. 76 times. It is increased 0. 09 times in year 2011 if compare with year 2010. 4.Leverage Ratios ( i ). Debt to asset ratio 2011 year 2010 year RM 230,412,128 x 100% RM 576,408,981 = 39. 97 % RM 199,104,506 x 100 % RM 509,641,678 = 39. 07 % For d ebt to asset ratio, year 2011 is 39. 97 % and 39. 07 % in year 2010. It is increased 0. 9 % in year 2011 if compare with year 2010. ( ii ). Debt to equity ratio 2011 year 2010 year RM 230,412,128 x 100% RM 345,996,853 = 66. 9 % RM 199,104,506 x 100 % RM 310,537,172 = 64. 12 % ( For debt to equity, year 2011 is 66. 59 % and 64. 12 % in year 2010. It is increased 2. 47 % in year 2011 if compare with year 2010. ( iii ). Current liabilities to equity 2011 year 2010 year RM 198,367,638 x 100% RM 345,996,853 = 57. 33 % RM 120,116,086 x 100 % RM 310,537,172 = 38. 68 % For current liabilities to equity, year 2011 is 57. 3 % and 38. 68 % in year 2010. It is increased 18. 65 % in year 2011 if compare with year 2010. 7. 0 strategical DIRECTION 7. 1 Expand on more outlets. POH KONG is be after to open more stores as part of local development. Continuous expansion channels out a several locations from urban center to small towns, is intended to create opportunities and revenue growth of large and provide accessibility and convenience to their customers through its long retail network with owned or partly owned establish branches throughout Malaysia. 7. 2 Produce a new range productPOH KONG company has intractable to produce a new range of platinum jewellery targets a younger age assort. This new network will complement POH KONG Gold jewellery available and meet the needs and preferences more users. New machinery and equipment will be available to support expansion of the product. 7. 3 Expand retail operation in Australia and China POH KONG has a vision to expand its retail operations outside the country in Australia and China as the initial target market. The feasibility conduct will be conducted to assess the viability of setting up retail gold jewellery branch, taste and preference in new markets.If everything else goes well, they decided to set up branches in Australia and China. POH KONGs vision is to spread its wings to local outside in order to increase income. 7. 4 Planning to franchise the concept POH KONG is planning to franchise the concept to potential retail local entrepreneurs. This enabled POH KONG to open the lock brand and retail experience. New franchise outlets will bring POH KONG brands and potential locations such as Terengganu, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak, in areas which do not have a personal faith establish a branch. This new revenue stream will increase the income of POH KONG. 8. 0 Board of Director YG BHG DATO CHOON YEE SEIONG (Executive Chairman and Croup Managing Director) * MR CHEONG TECK CHONG (Executive Director) * MADAM CHOON NEE SIEW (Executive Director) * MADAM CHOON YOKE YING (Executive Director) * MADAM CHOON WAN JOO (Executive Director) * DR CHOONG TUCK YEW (Senior Independent Non-Executive Director * ENCIK FAZRIN AZWAR store MD NOR (Independent Non-Executive Director) * DATIN SHIRLEY YUE SHOU HOW (Independent Non-Executive Director) The board of Poh Kong Holdings Berhad is committed to instill a corporate c ulture of good corporate governance which is practiced throughout the company and its subsidiary companies.The group acknowledges the importance of corporate governance in enhancing its business prosperity and corporate accountability with the absolute objective of realizing long-term shareholders and stakeholders value. The group will glide by to endeavor to comply with all the key principles of the Malaysia Code Corporate Governance in an effort to observe high standards of transparency, accountability and integrity. This is to sustain optimal governance with conscientious accountability for continuous effectiveness, efficiency and competitiveness of the group.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Annoyances of my life Essay
Through my life, I can say for many reasons it is annoy. The main reasons that causes my life annoys ar the following macrocosm a minor, the transportation, language and pressure. I have to handle all of them every day I do have a plan to keep leaving and almost all of them are not permanent. First, to be 17 years old is not easy. It is a challenge for me, because I am independent alone not old enough to be free. I have to ask for permission to do everything, also there is a problem to find a job.I remember when I was 16 years old I broke my finger. The doctor did not want to see me because I am minor. A give out of disadvantages are caused by my age. Transportation is one of the biggest annoyances in my life. I have to leave home more than a hour to be on time for class, If I own a car that could be about 15 minutes. I hate when the bus is more than 2 minutes easy because that makes me miss the trolley. English is not my showtime language It is annoy when I cannot understand anything.I do not like to have to read my books so many times to make sure I understood the lecture. It is annoy when people laugh because of my pronunciation or any spelling mistake. Learn other language is interesting but sometimes it makes me frustrate. I am a kind of person who does not feel well under pressure. My family are first to ask for more than what I can do. It makes me mad because I always do the best I can. Especially in college the pressure is greater, a lot of classes and homework.Sometimes I am scare about not pass my classes, it does not let me sleep. Pressure is super annoyed for me. In conclusion, there are several things that make my life annoy. Almost all of them have a way to be solved. I exit turn 18 I will get a license and be able to drive a car. College is not forever and is for a better life, my mom and brothers will be royal of me when I done my career. Thinking positive makes me see the annoyances of my life in the good way. It is great to know I am doing my best to reach my goals.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Banning Guns Is Not the Answer: Gun Control Is
outlaw ordnance stores Is Not the resultant role Gun Control Is Gun suss out is and has been a controversial issue for many years. Many American citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would quickly reduce the threat of crime. Some good deal believe that gun control is a plot to take away guns. Other People recite they would non be able to prevail. Many citizens want to be able to protect their home or family. The Second amendment grants Americans the proper(ip) to bear arms. Many heap believe that with gun control it would be harder for monstrous peck to get guns.Gun control may lead to mutual agreement. As an American you absorb the refine to bear arms. But not every iodin should have the right to own a gun. In outrank to clearly understand why some gun control may be the answer it is definitive to understand the history of gun control. Many gun control activists believe that the solution is fair dismiss all guns and there wont be any crimes affiliated with guns. This solution seems to be simple and could quickly be implemented. in that respect are a lot of people that know this would never work. Criminals depend to have the association to sleazy persons to get guns.A criminal does not care if the crime he or she is committing is with an illegal weapon or not. The criminal is already committing a crime, having an illegal weapon is not going to encourage or discourage the action of the criminal. A majority of crimes committed with guns are committed with illegally bought musical compositions. If the law were to ban guns alone the only people that would not have guns are the laws long-suffering citizens who want to protect themselves. The U. S. Department of Justice reported in 1992 offenders armed with handguns committed a interpret 931,000 violent crimes. Handgun crimes accounted for intimately 13% of all violent crimes.From 1987 to 1992 victims reported an annual average of about 341,000 incidents of firearm the ft. Enforcing gun banishing is not going to have an effect on the crime rate, because it will not keep criminals from purchasing or stealing weapons. If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Many people say the government is plotting to take away guns. That statement is a chant by extremist. Research entrap this was opinion only and bore no valid facts. Unfortunately these types of people do get attention. However, one must keep in mind that there are radicals on both sides of the picture. While on group states taking away our guns is a overnment plot, the other group believes these people are plotting to kill Americans. Until the centre of the 20th century, most constitutional scholars held a Collective Rights position. They believed that the Second Amendment only protects the collective right of the states to defend armed militias. This is regarded as the liberal stance. Conservative scholars hold an Individual Rights position. They believe that the Second Amendment a lso grants an individuals right to own guns as personal, private property, and that many restrictions on buying and carrying guns unconstitutionally impede individual rights.The discipline Rifle Association (NRA)s mission is the protection of the Second Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights. The NRA also promotes firearm ownership rights marksmanship, firearm safety, the protection of hunting, and self-defense in the United States. The NRA has many supporters (lawyers, politicians, actors ) that work to ensure people the right to be able to hunt and that Citizens will be able to protect their home and family. The NRA actively supports the second amendment. The Second amendment grants Americans the right to bear arms.The Second Amendment reads A well regulated Militia, being incumbent to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. There are many lawsuits that have been filed against the second amendment. Not many of the cases against the second amendment have been won. Many divulge acts have been produced. The history of gun control is important to understand. While many disagree with gun control it is obvious why there is some type of gun control needed. Listed are conducts that have been passed in respect to gun control In 1934 the National Firearms Act was passed.This law imposed a revenue on the sales agreement of machine guns and short-barrel firearms. This law was initiated in reaction to public rage over mobster activity. The main reason for this act was to stop American gangsters who were members of a crime syndicate organizations dedicated to smuggle and bootlegging of liquor and other illegal activities during the Prohibition Era of the 1920s and 1930s. In 1938 the Federal Firearms Act required licensing of gun dealers. The assassinations of John F. and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr brought political focus on U.S. gun control laws. In 1968 the Gun Control Act expanded laws to include licensing and record-keeping banned felons and the mentally ill from buying guns and banned the berth order sale of guns. In 1993 Brady Bill implemented the creation of a system to complete accentuate checks to help prohibit domestic violence. In 1972 The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms was created to oversee federal regulation of guns. 1986 the Firearms Owners defense Act eased some gun sale restrictions, reflecting the growing influence of the NRA under President Reagan. In 1993 the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act requires gun dealers to run background checks on purchasers. This Act establishes a national database of prohibited gun owners. In 1994 the Violent Crime Control Act banned the sale of new assault weapons for ten years. The Act was sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), However, the Republican-led coition allowed the law expire in 2004. In 2003 the Tiahrt Amendment protects gun dealers and manufacture rs from certain lawsuits. In 2007 the National Instant Criminal Background Check System was initiated.Congress was able to close loopholes in the national database after the mass shooting at Virginia Tech University. criminalize guns is not the answer. As Americans, our forefathers created the second amendment for a reason. Times have not changed enough that we can completely feel safe in our homes. Many people believe that by banning guns it would be harder for hazardous people to get guns. But the fact is criminals will still be able to acquire guns. Banning of guns, as shown above by the U. S. Department of Justice, would not reduce crime.Hunters do have the right to hunt for food and pleasure. Americans do have the right to protect their home and family. As an American you have the right to bear arms. But not everyone should have the right to own a gun. Gun control, not banning of guns needs to be the answer. Reference U. S. Department of Justice, http//www. ojp. usdoj. gov/b js/guns. htm, accessed 29-11-2009. US Liberals, Pros and Cons, http//usliberals. about. com/od/patriotactcivilrights/i/ProConGunLaws. htm, 28-11-2009. National Rifle Association, http//home. nra. org//home, 29 11 2009.
Monday, May 20, 2019
IB Math Exploration
Although the aluminium can and the wood chip were ere fast together, there was still a large amount of heat loss to the surroundings. This resulted in a get temperature reading, which in turn reduced our AT value. Thus reducing our overall enthalpy of combustion and is cardinal of the reasons why the theoretical value does not fall within our experimental range. A way we could perhaps reduce this error is to alter the apparatus and let as little air escape as possible which would keep energy losses to a minimum age maintaining a stable milieu for the wood chip to combustion.Ideally we could have the apparatus inside a glass chamber with a tidy sum for the temperature probe and a hole to light the other source of error we must take into a count was the improper use of the temperature probe. Instead of letting the probe sit freely in the aluminum can producing an accurate measurement we let the probe sink to the bottom of the can where it would record a higher temperature due to the hot spot in the water. This has an impact on our experimental value and would be a reason why our experimental value is higher than the theoretical one.This is not the case due to the act that heat loss reduces the amount of energy gained by a substantial amount compared to how much(prenominal) is gained from a rise in temperature. We could have simply eliminated this error by keeping the probe hang up in the water and giving it a stir every once in a while in order to reach uniform temperature in the can. A couple of minor errors I observe were the fact that we used a graduated cylinder to measure our amount of water. Then we poured that water into our aluminum can but we werent able to pour every ounce of water out of the cylinder.Thus affecting our mound in our mica formula for water and having an overall negative affect on our enthalpy value. Another minor thing was that as I noted in my qualitative data I unelaborated combustion since soot (or otherwise known as im pure carbon particles) is one of the products from that reaction. In this eccentric of reaction less energy is released, thus dropping our enthalpy of combustion value to even raise below our theoretical value. In order to fix these minor errors we can fill our can without delay from the tap as well as have a greater supply of clean group O for the reaction to occur.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Comparison Of Costs Between Conventional Environmental Sciences Essay
What is Organic folk? The construct of Organic class is repairing the solar susceptibility w gradeethorn engage to photovoltaics, inactive warming, daylighting, and piddle warming and withal repairing rain water reaping organisation, independent house toilet system and recycle. However, people tend to transport a higher monetary value ticket with it. somewhat people go away believe that inst altogetherment and c be equal for Green Building is to a greater extent equally. They do non under(a)stand that in a long term period the primitive edifice impart be more economic.PurposeThis purpose is to compargon the woo mingled with the effected sign and Organic Home. trailTo post the gain ground of Organic Home.To comp be the installment speak to stuff between the Conventional Home and Organic Home.To comp atomic number 18 the c ar cost for long term period between the Conventional Home and Organic Home.BackgroundIn Malaysia, the chief beginning of electric carity ar from coal, hydroelectric and innate(p) be adrift which contribute 27.01 million ( kWh ) , 64.88 billion ( kWh ) and 22.22 billion ( kWh ) in 2009. Electric power ingestion in Malaysia which be 53.42 billion ( kWh ) in twelvemonth 2000 increased signifi lottly to 99.25 billion ( kWh ) in twelvemonth 2010. In add-on, water proviso usage per capita individual per twelvemonth which is 372,000 liters. As the customary house, electricity is supplied by the local postcode provider, Tenaga theatre field Berhad ( TNB ) while the water supply table work are provided by the local provider, Syabas ( Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor ) . Besides that, the Indah Water supplies the service to clean emerge the infected armored fighting vehicle and the Alam Flora supplies the service to roll up the trash.The construct of native house is nil contrasting with the normal conventional house the lone different is organic house s work. The organic house s services are independent, in tell words, it means that the organic house mess possess their day-to-day lives with let on the support of 2nd parties. First, the solar jury will replace the map of TNB to back up the electric which required in the whole organic house. Besides that, as the mean rainfall is about 2400mm in Malaysia, it is possible for the organic house to utilize the H2O reaping system and pumping groundwater as H2O sum up to roll up H2O and storage it. The users can utilize the H2O for their day-to-day activity. On top of that, kinfolktic armored invade vehicle, sewerage filter, filtrating basin, dismantle cavity, infected leach Fieldss and infiltrator chamber sewerage disposal systems will besides be installed at the cloak-and-dagger house to treat the sewerage system. Furthermore, the trash will either be sepa posed into recycle arrogate or Organic fertiliser by composing the nourishing dispel.By utilizing the construct of organic house, electricity and H2O ingestion will surely dimin ish. The refuse created besides will let overmatch follow through. However, the chief job of the organic house is the building cost, installment cost and care cost. Is that the costs of constructing an organic house are more expensive than conventional house? In future, will the care cost of organic house cheaper than conventional house? therefore, this purview involves comparing between conventional houses and organic house that can analysis which causa housing-conventional house or organic house will more economic.Scope of StudyThe intent of this research is to comparison the cost between the conventional place and organic place with the same unit by altering the services. From this research, research worker will place the organic place services, how much the installing cost and the care cost. The research worker has to entree the asserter to do a citation base on the installing cost and care cost. Based on this research, will specify either conventional place or organic pl ace will be more economical to construct.Methodology books ReviewIn the beginning, literature reappraisal was conducted to reveal an overall thought of cost comparing between conventional place and organic place. The training and information will be for self-collected from books, diaries, and the information from Internet. These stuffs will be used as background survey to understand about the subject. By dominateing all the information, it wills shows the critical way and leads to the research intent.InterviewInterview was conducted to understand the grocery demands and understand more about the system of repairing organic edifice. The mark of interview will be contractor and the provider.Get costing of services and stuffsWill place the replete(p) cost of the services cost, stuffs cost, installment cost and care cost between the organic edifice and conventional edifice from the contractor and provider.Recommendation which are more economic between conventional place and organi c placeThis research will be recommended in lowest subdivision for further surveies.Undertaking Plan and AgendaUndertaking to be completeCalendar monthAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecMeet with supervisor and finalist a subject for research proposalReading articles that related the subject and understand itMake the lineation proposal including background survey, purpose, nonsubjective and methodological analysisMake the Literature reappraisalInterview contractor and providerComparative the citationRecommendation the researchPrepare concluding bill of exchangeComplete concluding bill of exchangeIntroductionPresents, looking around we are confronting the environsal job such as air pollution, H2O pollution and fuel pollution. It is the clip for us to lend something in order to continue our Earth. We should utilizing natural resource which could be regenerated alternatively of firing fogy fuels and utilizing natural lighting and works batch of trees. Organic place are constructions which ar e eco friendly, healthy economic environmental edifice and in force(p) in salvaging resources. The parts non merely can be used secure from the cellar till the building and besides deconstruction, they can be reused throughout the life rhythm of the edifice. shelter environment, and non utilizing industrial or manmade techniques, cause less or no pollution are the premier designate of these houses. In this building most of the stuffs used are fundamentally natural stuffs. Their designs are computer addres size of itd by efficient thrill of H2O resources, utilizing recycling of H2O techniques, beef uping of natural system, increased indoor environmental measure. When we fancy to build a house we must believe of utilizing designs and stuffs which does non impact the milieus.In footings of short- travel by thought, organic environmentally friendly options will decidedly be higher than normal attacks. Although these edifice techniques cost from low to reasonably high monetary va lue in long tally they will decidedly be lesser if the advantages such as wellness job, environmental friendly benefits and many more are taken into bill. They do non cognize that in long term period green component wage back is higher.Conventional HomeThe conventional place system is utilizing 2nd parties to back up their required. Conventional house electric supply is from Tenaga National Berhad ( TNB ) . The local provider for the H2O services is the Syabas ( Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor ) . The service to clean out the infected armored combat vehicle is Indah Water and to roll up the trash is Alam Flora. While utilizing this all services, we need to pay the full public-service mountain measure in every month and besides pollute out environment. For Tenaga National Berhad ( TNB ) the monthly armorial bearing for domesticated consumer will be RM 3.00. However, Indah Water has divide into foursome classs to pay the monthly measures. The low cost houses and authorities quart ers in classs F, G, H, I for the monthly charge is RM 2.00. other than this, houses in kampung, new small towns and Estates which are having either single infected armored combat vehicle or connected armored combat vehicle services will bear down RM3.00 per month. RM 6.00 will bear down to premise and authorities quarters in classs A, B, C, D and E having unmarried Septic Tank services and monthly RM8.00 will bear down to premises and authorities quarters in classs A, B, C, D, and E which are having the Connected Sewerage Services.By utilizing the all the system that provide by the authorities, we fork out to pay the public-service corporation measure in every month and besides cost expensive if entire up all the public-service corporation measure.Electric SystemCurrent development electricity contemporaries in Malaysia is governed by three public-service corporations which are Tenaga Nasional Berhad ( TNB ) in Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd ( SESB ) in the State of Sabah and Sarawak Electricity supply bow window ( SESCO ) in the State of Sarawak. These 3s public-service corporations are operate independently of one another in their separate control and posturely non interconnected. TNB has a control over the transmittal and supply of electricity in peninsular Malaysia. TNB is liable for electricity coevals supply in Peninsular Malaysia. In twelvemonth 2008, TNB has earned a singular repute as it is graded 100 for the Power Company of the Year in 2008 Platts spherical Energy Awards among 250 rivals.SESB and SESCO are besides involved in the coevals, transmittal and supply electricity in the east of Malaysia.SESB was privatized on 1 September 1998 and aims to corroborate the dependability and security of the electricity supply system to consumers in Sabah and Labuan. SESCO is a State Statutory Body combined under the Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation Ordinance, 1962 and is responsible for the coevals, transmittal and supply of elec tricity in Sarawak. Sarawak Enterprise Corporation Bhd bought over 45 % investing of the Corporation from Sarawak State Government. It will stay in its current position to supply for the coevals, transmittal, supply and usage of energy in the two dutys. ( Malaysia-ANNEX 4, 2000 )Malaysia presently has about 11,800 MW of electric coevals capacity and in 1997 it generated around 54.5 billion kWh of electricity. Even though Malaysia s economic downswing, projections indicate that Malaysia s demand for electricity is expected to go on to turn. ( Malaysia-ANNEX 4, 2000 )Water Supply SystemWater public-service corporations in Malaysia are managed by single province H2O governments, including the State Public kit and caboodle Departments, State Water Supply Departments and State Water Boards. They are in charge of modulating H2O supply, care waterways and H2O flow, grapevine and drainage care. Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd ( SYABAS ) was incorporated on 8 July 1996 under the Mala ysia Companies Act, 1965 to set about the provatisation of H2O supply services in the Sate of Selangor and the federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. SYSBAS is an entity specifically incorporated for usage as an execution vehicle in regard to the denationalization of the H2O supply and distribution system in Selangor and Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.Garbage disposal systemThe largest solid go down on direction association in Malaysia is Alam Flora Sdn Bhd which is functioning 6.1 million people over a entire country of 72, 388km2 in Malaysia. Alam Flora manages the Central and Eastern Regions of Malaysia covering the provinces of Selangor, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, the Federal grease of Kuala Lumpur and the Federal Territory of Putrajaya.Alam Flora divides its services into two types which are primary activities and back uping activities. The primary activities of Alam Flora are interior(prenominal) savage Collection, Industrial, Commercia l and Institutional ( ICI ) waste aggregation, Particular rot Collection, recycle and Material Recovery Facilities ( MRF ) and the direction of transportation station and landfills. Supporting activities of Alam Flora include instruction and outreach programmes with all of its stakeholders.Alam Flora provides the undermentioned servicesCollection and CleansingAlam Flora provides waste aggregation and cleaning services. Waste aggregation and cleaning services are divided into two classs which are non-directly salaried services and straight paid services. Local Governments are paid for the non-directly paid services nevertheless client will pay for the straight paid services. Non-directly paid services include aggregation of domestic waste from families, commercialised countries and aggregation of route putting to death or animate being carcases in residential or commercial countries. These are the services which must be straight paid by the client to Alam Flora, such as aggregatio n of non-schedule industrial or commercial waste from the clients connect premises, aggregation of big waste, aggregation of building and redevelopment waste from nonpublic premises and petition by the client to roll up of pace and garden waste.Waste DisposalIn Malaysia, landfilling is the lone authorize, widely used method for disposing of domestic and non-scheduled solid waste. Alam Flora presently manages 13 landfills sites which are 3 in Selangor and 10 sites in Pahang. Due to consequence on the environment and negative impacts on the landfill, domestic and municipal waste landfills merely can bear certain of waste which are domestic waste, commercial waste, waste from drain and river cleaning, garden pace waste, carnal carcases, building waste, waste from route cleaning, waste from sludge intervention workss and any waste approved by the Department of Environment ( DOE ) .Waste MinimizationTo increase the recycling rate to 22 % by 2020, our 3Rs ( Reduce, Reuse and Recycle ) programmes are targeted atbetterment of Awareness Raising Activities under the National Recycling Programme ( NRP ) ( Dr. Theng downwind Chong, 2002 )3R activities in schools ( Dr. Theng Lee Chong, 2002 )Formulation of Stakeholders Networking and Development of Partnership Activities on 3Rs ( Dr. Theng Lee Chong, 2002 )Private concerns ( Alam Flora, 2007 )Government and private establishments ( Alam Flora, 2007 )Residents and Non Government ecesis ( Alam Flora, 2007 )RecyclingRecycling protect natural resources and cut down the sum of waste that goes into landfill, therefore computer address the lifetime of bing landfills. For recycling, it is important for every family to admit what they generate day-to-day. By making so, they can put up their recycling ends and set up waste decrease. Besides that, every family should distinguish their wastes into reclaimable or non-recyclable and computer storage the reclaimable consequently. After roll uping them, we should direct recyclabl es to the nearest recycling Centre. ( Alam Flora, 2007 )Organic HomeBuilding have a large impact on the environment, they consume 40 % of the universe energy and stuffs, 25 % of the woodwind harvested and 17 % of our water.The construct of Organic Home envision a new maneuver to save up H2O, energy and material resources in the building and care of the edifices and can cut down or take the unfortunate impact of edifices on the environment and residents. By preferring Organic Home over a Conventional Home we retain nature to a maximal extent in three ways with mention to the position of the edifice. ( Malarthamil, June 5, 2009 )Keep the external environment at the location of the edifice.Improve internal environmentConserve the environment at topographical points far dispatch from the edifice.In this procedure concentrates on the design, building, operation and care stages and takes into history the batch design and development efficiency, energy and H2O effectivity, resource pr oductiveness, indoor environmental quality, building-owner care and the edifice s overall impact on the environment. The solution of every job is contained within itself. Its program, signifier and character are determined by the nature of the site, the nature of the stuffs used, the nature of the system utilizing them, the nature of the life implicated and the intent of the edifice itself. ( Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959 )Declaring organic architecture to be the modern ideal and the instruction so much needed if we are to see the whole of life and to now function the whole of life, holding no traditional indispensable to the great TRADITION. Nor care foring any preconceived from repairing upon us either past, present or future, but-instead-exalting the simple Torahs of common sense ( Frank Lloyd Wright, 1939 )A edifice should turn from its site as nature grows such as from the interior out and shaped by the forces which surround it. The nature of the stuffs should be expressed throughout the edifice as inherent to their quality and ability. Flase or bogus stuffs made to dumb show others create false architecture. ( Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959 )Benefits of Organic HomeThe benefits of Organic Home are can salvage money because they protect the resources and better efficiency byMaximizing energy direction and effectivity by optimising edifice orientation and incorporating natural daytime and airing utilise natural installingUsing design such as solar jurys, fuel cells, and photovoltaics andChangeless H2O and cut downing run off utilizing solar H2O warming, water-conserving or water-recycling contraptions. ( Jason F. McLennan, 2004 )Organic Home will cut down the environmental hit of the edifice industry byUsing stuffs that are selected based on their life-cycle environmental impacts Using renewable energy resources Using cut down, reuse, and recycle to stuffs in all phase of building and destruction chasten to cut down in utilizing merchandises that will harm the environment during building. ( Jason F. McLennan, 2004 )solar Energy Systemsolar Energy is energy that comes from the sunniness. But today, there are many type of solar energy engineer focused on doing usage of that energy and turning it into useable electricity or heat or for both.The solar energy system will be decidedly more favorable to us if it cost lesser comparison to the system use conventional fuels. Even so, because of the energy they provide is cleaner and free, they are now still attractive to the users. ( Joseph R. Provey, Everett M. Barber JR. , 2010 )Malaysia receives more than 250 yearss of sunlight in a twelvemonth because this state locate in the equatorial part which is ideal for large-scale solar power installings. Harmonizing to the maintain that made by the authorization s director-general, there are up to six photovoltaic shapers are set abouting due diligence to put up installations in Malaysia. Solar energy is covered under EPP 10 of the oil , gas and energy NKEA. Solar power is expected to lend a lower termination of 1250 MW by 2020. That is a major rise over REPAP s 65 MW mark by 2015, peradventure bespeaking that the authorities expects a rush in investing in the latter half of the decennary.There are three most of import elements that conveying EPP 10 to the success which are up naming of gentlemans gentleman capital accomplishments in the sector, viz. a clear regulative model and development of equal concern theoretical accounts. In future, Malaysia will be able to do solar energy as an economically feasible solution for state and besides turn the coevals of solar energy by cut downing the cost of between 4 % and 10 % every twelvemonth with the leveraging from FiT. ( Malaysia- Oxford Business Group,2011 )The benefit of put ining solar energy system isNo go oning monthly measure from public-service corporation companySolar energy will salvage money. Solar energy connect from photovoltaic ( PV ) solar panels is fr ee. There is really expensive to buy and put in the solar energy, but after that is free for the user. ( Bernard J. Nebel, Richard T. Wright, 1993 )renewable energy beginningSolar energy is a renewable energy beginning. Sun wo nt run out. It can be continuously recycled and reuse.Non-renewable energy beginnings such as fossil fuels, oil they will run out in one twenty-four hours. ( Bernard J. Nebel, Richard T. Wright, 1993 )Environmentally friendlySolar energy is an environmentally friendly, they does non foul the environment. The Sun act to clean the air and supply environmental stableness. ( Bernard J. Nebel, Richard T. Wright, 1993 )Easy to keepPhotovoltaic solar panels have a services life around 30 old ages. Largely the industry will hold the guarantees about 25 old ages. besides necessitate to clean up the soil and grim that earn on the glazing of each panel. The solar panel can idle take unwanted stuffs by H2O. ( Bernard J. Nebel, Richard T. Wright, 1993 )How it WorksThere are the ways that we use the Sun s energySolar Cells that convert manifest radiation straight into electricityIn a cheery clime, will acquire power to run a 100W visible radiation bulb from merely one square meter of solar panel use of goods and services the Sun to heat the H2O in glass panels on the roof, solar H2O warming.Solar EnergySolar Water system work ruleFigure 2.jpgFigure 2.1 ( eHow Contributor, 2012 )Rainwater product systemReaping of rainwater is of import and is shiping the section of H2O resources. With the combination of ancient cognition, modern engineering, public and private investing and many more, it will still take a long clip for the people to reinstate and consolidate the H2O harvest home patterns throughout the state. ( Madhaorao Bajirao Deshmukh, 11-12 Nov 2006 )Rainwater harvest home is direct collect the rain H2O which can be recharged in to the land H2O to forestall autumn of land H2O degree or storing in H2O armored combat vehicle ( Dr, N. Balasubram anya, Nov 2006 ) . Rainwater reaping system are simple to put in, run and keep. If certain standards are fulfilled to do certain the gathered rainwater can provide adequate H2O to the consumers so the rainwater reaping system can be usage for both little and big graduated table edifice. However the harvested rainwater must be confirmed so that it is safe to utilize.Rainwater Harvesting system provides high quality H2O, cut down support on other H2O resources and cost effectual. Rainwater reaping system contain of six staple fibre constituents which are catchment country, conveyance system, filter, cistern or storage armored combat vehicles and H2O intervention. Figure 2.1 below show the basic constituentFigure 2.1 ( Fifie Haniezah Binti Hamdah,2010/2011 )Benefits of Rainwater HarvestingRainwater is free the lone cost is merely for aggregation and usage. Using rainwater reaping system will salvage money on the public-service corporation measures. It make good usage of a valuable r esource. Besides that, it will cut down the rate of occurance of implosion therapy, eroding and the flow to stormwater drains. Rain H2O is free from pollutants so it is good for irrigation and workss thrive. Difficult H2O will bring out corrosion or graduated table nevertheless rain H2O wo nt. Using rainwater reaping system will besides go to to accomplish LEED Green Building Rating Credit. thrill of rainwater harvesitng systemThe roof, troughs and armored combat vehicle should be cleaned before start to roll up the rainwaterLet the first 2-3 rains flow out through the first flower systemMerely hold to clean the armored combat vehicle one time a twelvemonthIn every twelvemonth need to replace the filtering agentsKeep clean and hygienic around the armored combat vehicleEvery twelvemonth must use the white cement on the armored combat vehiclePreserve H2O and utilize it with cautiousness( N Munal Meitei, 2011 )figure 4.png-Will filtrating and purification the rain H2O until 5000 lite r H2O armored combat vehicle so will straight pump into the house.Recycling SystemIn Malaysia we produce 94,000 dozenss of rubbish per twenty-four hours or 34,310,000 dozenss per twelvemonth ( Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, December 2010 ) .Recycling in and around the place can be really easy. Paper, tractile, metal and glass can be recycled. Other so this, firniture, electronic equipment, constructing stuff and vehicles besides can be recycled. In our place we must do certain that have recycle bin and maintain it in an obvious topographic point so that wo nt bury to utilize it. Besides that, indoors kitchen besides have many points are reclaimable including plastic milk, H2O bottles, jams, flavoring bottles and etc.Recycling garden merchandises and seting trees besides can better the environment in our garden.Planting trees will help oneself to better the environment by cut downing planetary heating and supply a place for animate beings. After cut downing the lawn, merely merely go fort h the grass film editings at the garden. They will turn into foods and as a fertilizer in the dirt. Use kitchen waste such as works fixingss and leftover nutrient into procedure of composting in your garden to assist it turn.Recycling natural resources provides a batch of benefits to our environment. Therefore, recycling should be carry out by everyone in this planet. Preservation of environmental should be carried out by everyone, they should protect the valuable resources by halt utilizing angry or chemical waste merchandises and seek to extinguish all the non-bio degradable waste merchandises. Besides that, recycling besides can diminish landfill infinite. This is because reclaimable waste merchandises that occupied the land will be cleared. Hence, the environment will go cleansing agent and greener. This will do the universe to be a better topographic point for people to hold out in. ( John F. Mongillo, Linda Zierdt- Varshaw, 2000 )Other than that, there are still some others benefits from recycling. hotshot of the benefits of recycling is supplying a cleansing agent and better environment for the following coevals childs to populate in. As recycling can supply a cleansing agent environment, it might convey us a healthier life. Recycling besides can assist in continuing our works and supply a good environment to populate in. For cases, recycle of paper, glass, bottle and plastic merchandises besides can assist in salvaging resources and energy. This is because those merchandises are made by natural resources such as tree or natural stuff. ( John F. Mongillo, Linda Zierdt- Varshaw, 2000 )A A A AComposting Waste SystemComposting biodegrades organic waste such as nutrient waste, paper, wood, leaves etc and turns it into organic fertiliser.Composting is a natural organic procedure, carried out under controlled aerophilic status. Bacterious and fungi which are interact micro-organisms will interrupt down organic affair into simpler substances during the pro cedure. The environmental status such as O, size of microbic populations, humidness, temperature will impact the effectivesness of the composting procedure.Composting non a complicated procedure. Natural Composting go on on a uninterrupted footing in the natural environment. Organic affair is metabolized by micro-organisms and consumed by invertebrated. The resulting foods are withdraw into fertilise to the dirt to back up works growing.Composting has the possible to manage most of the organic stuffs in waste signifier such as eating house waste, farm waste, oaoer oridycts etc and can be easy incorporated into any waste direction program. The composting can be carried out indoor or exterior environtment and easy to pull off ( Professor Rot, 2008 )AdvantageDisadvantageReduces mass of wasteMust managed the generates smells and leachateStabulizes WasteReduces PathogensProduces a merchandise
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